1 go
Ⅰ.go1 [gəʊ](game) jeu m de goⅡ.go2 [gəʊ]aller ⇒ 1A (a)-(c), 1A (e), 1A (f), 1E (a)-(c), 1G (a), 2 (a) s'en aller ⇒ 1A (d) être ⇒ 1B (a) devenir ⇒ 1B (b) tomber en panne ⇒ 1B (c) s'user ⇒ 1B (d) se détériorer ⇒ 1B (e) commencer ⇒ 1C (a) aller (+ infinitif) ⇒ 1C (b), 1C (c) marcher ⇒ 1C (d) disparaître ⇒ 1D (a), 1D (c) se passer ⇒ 1E (d) s'écouler ⇒ 1E (e) s'appliquer ⇒ 1F (b) se vendre ⇒ 1F (e) contribuer ⇒ 1G (c) aller ensemble ⇒ 1H (a) tenir le coup ⇒ 1H (c) faire ⇒ 2 (b), 2 (c) coup ⇒ 3 (a) essai ⇒ 3 (a) tour ⇒ 3 (b) dynamisme ⇒ 3 (c)A.∎ we're going to Paris/Japan/Spain nous allons à Paris/au Japon/en Espagne;∎ he went to the office/a friend's house il est allé au bureau/chez un ami;∎ I want to go home je veux rentrer;∎ the salesman went from house to house le vendeur est allé de maison en maison;∎ we went by car/on foot nous y sommes allés en voiture/à pied;∎ there goes the train! voilà le train (qui passe)!;∎ the bus goes by way of or through Dover le bus passe par Douvres;∎ does this train go to Glasgow? ce train va-t-il à Glasgow?;∎ the truck was going at 150 kilometres an hour le camion roulait à ou faisait du 150 kilomètres (à l')heure;∎ go behind those bushes va derrière ces arbustes;∎ where do we go from here? où va-t-on maintenant?; figurative qu'est-ce qu'on fait maintenant?;∎ to go to the doctor aller voir ou aller chez le médecin;∎ he went straight to the director il est allé directement voir ou trouver le directeur;∎ to go to prison aller en prison;∎ to go to the toilet aller aux toilettes;∎ to go to sb for advice aller demander conseil à qn;∎ let the children go first laissez les enfants passer devant, laissez passer les enfants d'abord;∎ I'll go next c'est à moi après;∎ who goes next? (in game) c'est à qui (le tour)?;∎ Military who goes there? qui va là?, qui vive?;∎ here we go again! ça y est, ça recommence!;∎ there he goes! le voilà!;∎ there he goes again! (there he is again) le revoilà!; (he's doing it again) ça y est, il est reparti!∎ to go shopping aller faire des courses;∎ to go fishing/hunting aller à la pêche/à la chasse;∎ to go riding aller faire du cheval;∎ let's go for a walk/bike ride/swim allons nous promener/faire un tour à vélo/nous baigner;∎ they went on a trip ils sont partis en voyage;∎ I'll go to see her or American go see her tomorrow j'irai la voir demain;∎ don't go and tell him!, don't go telling him! ne va pas le lui dire!, ne le lui dis pas!;∎ don't go bothering your sister ne va pas embêter ta sœur;∎ you had to go and tell him! il a fallu que tu le lui dises!;∎ he's gone and locked us out! il est parti et nous a laissé à la porte!;∎ you've gone and done it now! vraiment, tu as tout gâché!(c) (proceed to specified limit) aller;∎ he'll go as high as £300 il ira jusqu'à 300 livres;∎ the temperature went as high as 36° C la température est montée jusqu'à 36° C;∎ he went so far as to say it was her fault il est allé jusqu'à dire que c'était de sa faute à elle;∎ now you've gone too far! là tu as dépassé les bornes!;∎ I'll go further and say he should resign j'irai plus loin et je dirai qu'il ou j'irai jusqu'à dire qu'il devrait démissionner;∎ the temperature sometimes goes below zero la température descend ou tombe parfois au-dessous de zéro;∎ her attitude went beyond mere impertinence son comportement était plus qu'impertinent(d) (depart, leave) s'en aller, partir;∎ I must be going il faut que je m'en aille ou que je parte;∎ they went early ils sont partis tôt;∎ you may go vous pouvez partir;∎ what time does the train go? à quelle heure part le train?;∎ familiar get going! vas-y!, file!;∎ archaic be gone! allez-vous-en!;∎ either he goes or I go l'un de nous deux doit partir(e) (indicating regular attendance) aller, assister;∎ to go to church/school aller à l'église/l'école;∎ to go to a meeting aller ou assister à une réunion;∎ to go to work (to one's place of work) aller au travail(f) (indicating direction or route) aller, mener;∎ that road goes to the market square cette route va ou mène à la place du marchéB.∎ to go barefoot/naked se promener pieds nus/tout nu;∎ to go armed porter une arme;∎ her family goes in rags sa famille est en haillons;∎ the job went unfilled le poste est resté vacant;∎ to go unnoticed passer inaperçu;∎ such crimes must not go unpunished de tels crimes ne doivent pas rester impunis∎ my father is going grey mon père grisonne;∎ she went white with rage elle a blêmi de colère;∎ my hands went clammy mes mains sont devenues moites;∎ the tea's gone cold le thé a refroidi;∎ have you gone mad? tu es devenu fou?;∎ to go bankrupt faire faillite;∎ the country has gone Republican le pays est maintenant républicain∎ the battery's going la pile commence à être usée∎ his trousers are going at the knees son pantalon s'use aux genoux;∎ the jacket went at the seams la veste a craqué aux coutures∎ all his strength went and he fell to the floor il a perdu toutes ses forces et il est tombé par terre;∎ his voice is going il devient aphone;∎ his voice is gone il est aphone, il a une extinction de voix;∎ her mind has started to go elle n'a plus toute sa tête ou toutes ses facultésC.(a) (begin an activity) commencer;∎ what are we waiting for? let's go! qu'est-ce qu'on attend? allons-y!;∎ familiar here goes!, here we go! allez!, on y va!;∎ go! partez!;∎ you'd better get going on or with that report! tu ferais bien de te mettre à ou de t'attaquer à ce rapport!;∎ it won't be so hard once you get going ça ne sera pas si difficile une fois que tu seras lancé;∎ to be going to do sth (be about to) aller faire qch, être sur le point de faire qch; (intend to) avoir l'intention de faire qch;∎ you were just going to tell me about it vous étiez sur le point de ou vous alliez m'en parler;∎ I was going to visit her yesterday but her mother arrived j'avais l'intention de ou j'allais lui rendre visite hier mais sa mère est arrivée∎ are you going to be at home tonight? est-ce que vous serez chez vous ce soir?;∎ we're going to do exactly as we please nous ferons ce que nous voulons;∎ she's going to be a doctor elle va être médecin;∎ there's going to be a storm il va y avoir un orage;∎ he's going to have to work really hard il va falloir qu'il travaille très dur∎ is the fan going? est-ce que le ventilateur est en marche ou marche?;∎ the car won't go la voiture ne veut pas démarrer;∎ he had the television and the radio going il avait mis la télévision et la radio en marche;∎ the washing machine is still going la machine à laver tourne encore, la lessive n'est pas terminée;∎ her daughter kept the business going sa fille a continué à faire marcher l'affaire;∎ to keep a conversation/fire going entretenir une conversation/un feu∎ she went like this with her eyebrows elle a fait comme ça avec ses sourcils∎ to go on radio/television passer à la radio/à la télévisionD.(a) (disappear) disparaître;∎ the snow has gone la neige a fondu ou disparu;∎ all the sugar's gone il n'y a plus de sucre;∎ my coat has gone mon manteau n'est plus là ou a disparu;∎ all our money has gone (spent) nous avons dépensé tout notre argent; (lost) nous avons perdu tout notre argent; (stolen) on a volé tout notre argent;∎ I don't know where the money goes these days l'argent disparaît à une vitesse incroyable ces temps-ci;∎ gone are the days when he took her dancing elle est bien loin, l'époque où il l'emmenait danser∎ the last paragraph must go il faut supprimer le dernier paragraphe;∎ I've decided that car has to go j'ai décidé de me débarrasser de cette voiture;∎ that new secretary has got to go il va falloir se débarrasser de la nouvelle secrétaire∎ he is (dead and) gone il nous a quittés;∎ his wife went first sa femme est partie avant lui;∎ after I go... quand je ne serai plus là...E.(a) (extend, reach) aller, s'étendre;∎ our property goes as far as the forest notre propriété va ou s'étend jusqu'au bois;∎ the path goes right down to the beach le chemin descend jusqu'à la mer;∎ figurative her thinking didn't go that far elle n'a pas poussé le raisonnement aussi loin;∎ my salary doesn't go very far je ne vais pas loin avec mon salaire;∎ money doesn't go very far these days l'argent part vite à notre époque;∎ their difference of opinion goes deeper than I thought leur différend est plus profond que je ne pensais∎ the dictionaries go on that shelf les dictionnaires se rangent ou vont sur cette étagère;∎ where do the towels go? où est-ce qu'on met les serviettes?;∎ that painting goes here ce tableau se met ou va là(c) (be contained in, fit) aller;∎ this last sweater won't go in the suitcase ce dernier pull n'ira pas ou n'entrera pas dans la valise;∎ the piano barely goes through the door le piano entre ou passe de justesse par la porte;∎ this belt just goes round my waist cette ceinture est juste assez longue pour faire le tour de ma taille;∎ the lid goes on easily enough le couvercle se met assez facilement(d) (develop, turn out) se passer;∎ how did your interview go? comment s'est passé ton entretien?;∎ I'll see how things go je vais voir comment ça se passe;∎ we can't tell how things will go on ne sait pas comment ça se passera;∎ everything went well tout s'est bien passé;∎ if all goes well si tout va bien;∎ the meeting went badly/well la réunion s'est mal/bien passée;∎ the negotiations are going well les négociations sont en bonne voie;∎ the vote went against them/in their favour le vote leur a été défavorable/favorable;∎ there's no doubt as to which way the decision will go on sait ce qui sera décidé;∎ everything was going fine until she showed up tout allait ou se passait très bien jusqu'à ce qu'elle arrive;∎ everything went wrong ça a mal tourné;∎ familiar how's it going?, how are things going? (comment) ça va?;∎ the way things are going, we might both be out of a job soon au train où vont ou vu comment vont les choses, nous allons bientôt nous retrouver tous les deux au chômage∎ the journey went quickly je n'ai pas vu le temps passer pendant le voyage;∎ there were only five minutes to go before… il ne restait que cinq minutes avant…;∎ time goes so slowly when you're not here le temps me paraît tellement long quand tu n'es pas là;∎ how's the time going? combien de temps reste-t-il?F.∎ what your mother says goes! fais ce que dit ta mère!;∎ whatever the boss says goes c'est le patron qui fait la loi;∎ anything goes on fait ce qu'on veut(b) (be valid, hold true) s'appliquer;∎ that rule goes for everyone cette règle s'applique à tout le monde;∎ that goes for us too (that applies to us) ça s'applique à nous aussi; (we agree with that) nous sommes aussi de cet avis(c) (be expressed, run → report, story)∎ the story or rumour goes that she left him le bruit court qu'elle l'a quitté;∎ so the story goes du moins c'est ce que l'on dit ou d'après les on-dit;∎ how does the story go? comment c'est cette histoire?;∎ I forget how the poem goes now j'ai oublié le poème maintenant;∎ how does the tune go? c'est quoi ou c'est comment, l'air?;∎ her theory goes something like this sa théorie est plus ou moins la suivante∎ to go by or under the name of répondre au nom de;∎ he now goes by or under another name il se fait appeler autrement maintenant∎ flats are going cheap at the moment les appartements ne se vendent pas très cher en ce moment;∎ the necklace went for £350 le collier s'est vendu 350 livres;∎ going, going, gone! (at auction) une fois, deux fois, adjugé!G.∎ the contract is to go to a private firm le contrat ira à une entreprise privée;∎ credit should go to the teachers le mérite en revient aux enseignants;∎ every penny will go to charity tout l'argent va ou est destiné à une œuvre de bienfaisance∎ a small portion of the budget went on education une petite part du budget a été consacrée ou est allée à l'éducation;∎ all his money goes on drink tout son argent part dans la boisson(c) (contribute) contribuer, servir;∎ all that just goes to prove my point tout ça confirme bien ce que j'ai dit;∎ it has all the qualities that go to make a good film ça a toutes les qualités d'un bon film(d) (have recourse) avoir recours, recourir;∎ to go to arbitration recourir à l'arbitrageH.(a) (be compatible → colours, flavours) aller ensemble;∎ orange and mauve don't really go l'orange et le mauve ne vont pas vraiment ensemble∎ let me know if you hear of any jobs going faites-moi savoir si vous entendez parler d'un emploi;∎ are there any flats going for rent in this building? y a-t-il des appartements à louer dans cet immeuble?;∎ familiar any whisky going? tu as un whisky à m'offrir?□∎ we can't go much longer without water nous ne pourrons pas tenir beaucoup plus longtemps sans eau∎ we'll only stop if you're really desperate to go on ne s'arrête que si tu ne tiens vraiment plus;∎ I went before I came j'ai fait avant de venir∎ 5 into 60 goes 12 60 divisé par 5 égale 12;∎ 6 into 5 won't go 5 n'est pas divisible par 6∎ she isn't bad, as teachers go elle n'est pas mal comme enseignante;∎ as houses go, it's pretty cheap ce n'est pas cher pour une maison;∎ as things go today par les temps qui courent;∎ there goes my chance of winning a prize je peux abandonner tout espoir de gagner un prix;∎ there you go again, always blaming other people ça y est, toujours à rejeter la responsabilité sur les autres;∎ there you go, two hamburgers and a coke et voici, deux hamburgers et un Coca;∎ there you go, what did I tell you? voilà ou tiens, qu'est-ce que je t'avais dit!(a) (follow, proceed along) aller, suivre;∎ if we go this way, we'll get there much more quickly si nous passons par là, nous arriverons bien plus vite∎ we've only gone 5 kilometres nous n'avons fait que 5 kilomètres;∎ she went the whole length of the street before coming back elle a descendu toute la rue avant de revenir∎ ducks go "quack" les canards font "coin-coin";∎ the clock goes "tick tock" l'horloge fait "tic tac";∎ the gun went bang et pan! le coup est parti;∎ familiar then he goes "hand it over" puis il fait "donne-le-moi"∎ to go 10 risquer 10;∎ Cards to go no/two trumps annoncer sans/deux atout(s);∎ figurative to go one better (than sb) surenchérir (sur qn)∎ I could really go a beer je me paierais bien une bière∎ familiar how goes it? ça marche?3 noun∎ to have a go at sth/doing sth essayer qch/de faire qch;∎ he had another go il a fait une nouvelle tentative, il a ressayé;∎ have another go! encore un coup!;∎ I've never tried it but I'll give it a go je n'ai encore jamais fait l'expérience mais je vais essayer;∎ she passed her exams first go elle a eu ses examens du premier coup;∎ he knocked down all the skittles at one go il a renversé toutes les quilles d'un coup;∎ £1 a go (at fair etc) une livre la partie ou le tour;∎ to have a go on the dodgems faire un tour d'autos tamponneuses;∎ he wouldn't let me have or give me a go (on his bicycle etc) il ne voulait pas me laisser l'essayer∎ it's your go c'est ton tour ou c'est à toi (de jouer);∎ whose go is it? à qui de jouer?, à qui le tour?∎ to be full of go avoir plein d'énergie, être très dynamique;∎ she's got plenty of go elle est pleine d'entrain;∎ the new man has no go in him le nouveau manque d'entrain∎ he's made a go of the business il a réussi à faire marcher l'affaire;∎ to make a go of a marriage réussir un mariage;∎ I tried to persuade her but it was no go j'ai essayé de la convaincre mais il n'y avait rien à faire∎ short hair is all the go les cheveux courts sont le dernier cri ou font fureur∎ they had a real go at one another! qu'est-ce qu'ils se sont mis!;∎ she had a go at her boyfriend elle a passé un de ces savons à son copain;∎ British police have warned the public not to have a go, the fugitive may be armed la police a prévenu la population de ne pas s'en prendre au fugitif car il pourrait être armé;∎ it's all go ça n'arrête pas!;∎ all systems go! c'est parti!;∎ the shuttle is go for landing la navette est bonne ou est parée ou a le feu vert pour l'atterrissage∎ he must be going on fifty il doit approcher de la ou aller sur la cinquantaine;∎ it was going on (for) midnight by the time we finished quand on a terminé, il était près de minuit∎ I've been on the go all day je n'ai pas arrêté de toute la journée□ ;∎ to be always on the go être toujours à trotter ou à courir, avoir la bougeotte;∎ to keep sb on the go faire trimer qn∎ I have several projects on the go at present j'ai plusieurs projets en route en ce moment□6 to go1 adverbà faire;∎ there are only three weeks/five miles to go il ne reste plus que trois semaines/cinq miles;∎ five done, three to go cinq de faits, trois à faire➲ go about∎ policemen usually go about in pairs en général, les policiers circulent par deux;∎ you can't go about saying things like that! il ne faut pas raconter des choses pareilles!(a) (get on with) s'occuper de;∎ to go about one's business vaquer à ses occupations(b) (set about) se mettre à;∎ she showed me how to go about it elle m'a montré comment faire ou comment m'y prendre;∎ how do you go about applying for the job? comment doit-on s'y prendre ou faire pour postuler l'emploi?∎ her son goes about with an older crowd son fils fréquente des gens plus âgés que lui;∎ he's going about with Rachel these days il sort avec Rachel en ce momenttraversertraverser;∎ your brother has just gone across to the shop ton frère est allé faire un saut au magasin en face∎ he goes after all the women il court après toutes les femmes;∎ I'm going after that job je vais essayer d'obtenir cet emploi(a) (disregard) aller contre, aller à l'encontre de;∎ she went against my advice elle n'a pas suivi mon conseil;∎ I went against my mother's wishes je suis allé contre ou j'ai contrarié les désirs de ma mère(b) (conflict with) contredire;∎ that goes against what he told me c'est en contradiction avec ou ça contredit ce qu'il m'a dit;∎ the decision went against public opinion la décision est allée à l'encontre de ou a heurté l'opinion publique;∎ it goes against my principles c'est contre mes principes(c) (be unfavourable to → of luck, situation) être contraire à; (→ of opinion) être défavorable à; (→ of behaviour, evidence) nuire à, être préjudiciable à;∎ the verdict went against the defendant le verdict a été défavorable à l'accusé ou a été prononcé contre l'accusé;∎ if luck should go against him si la chance lui était contraire;∎ her divorce may go against her winning the election son divorce pourrait nuire à ses chances de gagner les élections∎ he went ahead of us il est parti avant nous;∎ I let him go ahead of me in the queue je l'ai fait passer devant moi dans la queue∎ go ahead! tell me! vas-y! dis-le-moi!;∎ the mayor allowed the demonstrations to go ahead le maire a permis aux manifestations d'avoir lieu;∎ the move had gone ahead as planned le déménagement s'était déroulé comme prévu;∎ to go ahead with sth démarrer qch;∎ they're going ahead with the project after all ils ont finalement décidé de mener le projet à bien;∎ he went ahead and did it (without hesitating) il l'a fait sans l'ombre d'une hésitation; (despite warnings) rien ne l'a arrêté(c) (advance, progress) progresser, faire des progrès(a) (move from one place to another) aller, avancer;∎ go along and ask your mother va demander à ta mère;∎ she went along with them to the fair elle les a accompagnés ou elle est allée avec eux à la foire;∎ we can talk it over as we go along nous pouvons en discuter en chemin ou en cours de route;∎ I just make it up as I go along j'invente au fur et à mesure(b) (progress) se dérouler, se passer;∎ things were going along nicely tout allait ou se passait bien(c) (go to meeting, party etc) aller(decision, order) accepter, s'incliner devant; (rule) observer, respecter;∎ that's what they decided and I went along with it c'est la décision qu'ils ont prise et je l'ai acceptée;∎ I go along with the committee on that point je suis d'accord avec ou je soutiens le comité sur ce point;∎ I can't go along with you on that je ne suis pas d'accord avec vous là-dessus;∎ he went along with his father's wishes il s'est conformé aux ou a respecté les désirs de son père(a) (habitually) passer son temps à;∎ he goes around mumbling to himself il passe son temps à radoter;∎ she just goes around annoying everyone elle passe son temps à énerver tout le monde;∎ he goes around in black leather il se promène toujours en ou il est toujours habillé en cuir noir∎ will that belt go around your waist? est-ce que cette ceinture sera assez grande pour toi?∎ they were still going at it the next day ils y étaient encore le lendemain;∎ she went at the cleaning with a will elle s'est attaquée au nettoyage avec ardeurpartir, s'en aller;∎ go away! va-t'en!;∎ I'm going away for a few days je pars pour quelques jours;∎ she's gone away to think about it elle est partie réfléchir∎ she went back to bed elle est retournée au lit, elle s'est recouchée;∎ to go back to sleep se rendormir;∎ they went back home ils sont rentrés chez eux ou à la maison;∎ I went back downstairs/upstairs je suis redescendu/remonté;∎ to go back to work (continue task) se remettre au travail; (return to place of work) retourner travailler; (return to employment) reprendre le travail;∎ to go back on one's steps rebrousser chemin, revenir sur ses pas;∎ let's go back to chapter two revenons ou retournons au deuxième chapitre;∎ we went back to the beginning nous avons recommencé;∎ let's go back to why you said that revenons à la question de savoir pourquoi vous avez dit ça;∎ the clocks go back one hour today on retarde les pendules d'une heure aujourd'hui∎ go back! recule!∎ we went back to the old system nous sommes revenus à l'ancien système;∎ he went back to his old habits il a repris ses anciennes habitudes;∎ the conversation kept going back to the same subject la conversation revenait sans cesse sur le même sujet;∎ men are going back to wearing their hair long les hommes reviennent aux cheveux longs ou se laissent à nouveau pousser les cheveux∎ our records go back to 1850 nos archives remontent à 1850;∎ this building goes back to the Revolution ce bâtiment date de ou remonte à la Révolution;∎ familiar we go back a long way, Brad and me ça remonte à loin, Brad et moi(e) (extend, reach) s'étendre;∎ the garden goes back 150 metres le jardin s'étend sur 150 mètres(fail to keep → agreement) rompre, violer; (→ promise) manquer à, revenir sur;∎ they went back on their decision ils sont revenus sur leur décision;∎ he won't go back on his word il ne manquera pas à sa parole(precede) passer devant; (happen before) précéder;∎ that question has nothing to do with what went before cette question n'a rien à voir avec ce qui précède ou avec ce qui a été dit avant;∎ the election was like nothing that had gone before l'élection ne ressemblait en rien aux précédentes;∎ euphemism those who have gone before (the dead) ceux qui nous ont précédés∎ we are indebted to those who have gone before us nous devons beaucoup à ceux qui nous ont précédés∎ your suggestion will go before the committee votre suggestion sera soumise au comité;∎ to go before a judge/jury passer devant un juge/un jury;∎ the matter went before the court l'affaire est allée devant les tribunauxNautical descendre dans l'entrepont➲ go by(pass → car, person) passer; (→ time) passer, s'écouler;∎ as the years go by avec les années, à mesure que les années passent;∎ in days or in times or in years gone by autrefois, jadis;∎ to let an opportunity go by laisser passer une occasion(a) (act in accordance with, be guided by) suivre, se baser sur;∎ don't go by the map ne vous fiez pas à la carte;∎ I'll go by what the boss says je me baserai sur ce que dit le patron;∎ he goes by the rules il suit le règlement(b) (judge by) juger d'après;∎ going by her accent, I'd say she's from New York si j'en juge d'après son accent, je dirais qu'elle vient de New York;∎ you can't go by appearances on ne peut pas juger d'après ou sur les apparences∎ to go by a different/false name être connu sous un nom différent/un faux nom;∎ the product goes by the name of "Bango" in France ce produit est vendu sous le nom de "Bango" en France➲ go down(a) (descend, move to lower level) descendre;∎ he went down on all fours or on his hands and knees il s'est mis à quatre pattes;∎ going down! (in lift) on descend!, pour descendre!(b) (proceed, travel) aller;∎ we're going down to Tours/the country/the shop nous allons à Tours/à la campagne/au magasin(c) (set → moon, sun) se coucher, tomber(e) (decrease, decline → level, price, quality) baisser; (→ amount, numbers) diminuer; (→ rate, temperature) baisser, s'abaisser; (→ fever) baisser, tomber; (→ tide) descendre;∎ the dollar is going down in value le dollar perd de sa valeur, le dollar est en baisse;∎ eggs are going down (in price) le prix des œufs baisse;∎ my weight has gone down j'ai perdu du poids;∎ he's gone down in my estimation il a baissé dans mon estime;∎ the neighbourhood's really gone down since then le quartier ne s'est vraiment pas arrangé depuis;∎ to have gone down in the world avoir connu des jours meilleurs(g) (food, medicine) descendre;∎ this wine goes down very smoothly ce vin se laisse boire (comme du petit-lait)(h) (produce specified reaction) être reçu;∎ a cup of coffee would go down nicely une tasse de café serait la bienvenue;∎ his speech went down badly/well son discours a été mal/bien reçu;∎ how will the proposal go down with the students? comment les étudiants vont-ils prendre la proposition?;∎ that kind of talk doesn't go down well with me je n'apprécie pas du tout ce genre de propos∎ Mexico went down to Germany le Mexique s'est incliné devant l'Allemagne;∎ Madrid went down to Milan by three points Milan a battu Madrid de trois points;∎ I'm not going to go down without a fight je me battrai jusqu'à la fin(j) (be relegated) descendre;∎ our team has gone down to the second division notre équipe est descendue en deuxième division∎ this day will go down in history ce jour restera une date historique;∎ she will go down in history as a woman of great courage elle entrera dans l'histoire grâce à son grand courage(l) (reach as far as) descendre, s'étendre;∎ this path goes down to the beach ce sentier va ou descend à la plage(m) (continue as far as) aller, continuer;∎ go down to the end of the street allez ou continuez jusqu'en bas de la rue∎ the computer's gone down l'ordinateur est en panne∎ how long do you think he'll go down for? il écopera de combien, à ton avis?;∎ he went down for three years il a écopé de trois ans(hill, stairs, ladder, street) descendre;∎ my food went down the wrong way j'ai avalé de travers;∎ Music the pianist went down an octave le pianiste a joué une octave plus bas ou a descendu d'une octave;∎ figurative I don't want to go down that road je ne veux pas m'engager là-dedansvulgar (fellate) sucer, tailler ou faire une pipe à; (perform cunnilingus on) sucer, brouter le cresson àtomber malade de;∎ he went down with pneumonia/the flu il a attrapé une pneumonie/la grippe∎ he went for a doctor il est allé ou parti chercher un médecin(b) (try to obtain) essayer d'obtenir, viser;∎ she's going for his job elle va essayer d'obtenir son poste;∎ familiar go for it! vas-y!;∎ I'd go for it if I were you! à ta place, je n'hésiterais pas!;∎ she was really going for it elle donnait vraiment son maximum∎ dogs usually go for the throat en général, les chiens attaquent à la gorge;∎ they went for each other (physically) ils se sont jetés l'un sur l'autre; (verbally) ils s'en sont pris l'un à l'autre;∎ the newspapers really went for the senator les journaux s'en sont pris au sénateur sans retenue;∎ go for him! (to dog) attaque!∎ I don't really go for that idea l'idée ne me dit pas grand-chose;∎ he really goes for her in a big way il est vraiment fou d'elle(e) (choose, prefer) choisir, préférer(f) (apply to, concern) concerner, s'appliquer à;∎ what I said goes for both of you ce que j'ai dit vaut pour ou s'applique à vous deux;∎ pollution is a real problem in Paris - that goes for Rome too la pollution pose un énorme problème à Paris - c'est la même chose à Rome;∎ and the same goes for me et moi aussi(g) (have as result) servir à;∎ his twenty years of service went for nothing ses vingt ans de service n'ont servi à rien∎ she has a lot going for her elle a beaucoup d'atouts;∎ that idea hasn't got much going for it frankly cette idée n'est franchement pas très convaincante∎ the army went forth into battle l'armée s'est mise en route pour la bataille;∎ Bible go forth and multiply croissez et multipliez-vous∎ the command went forth that… il fut décrété que…(s')avancer;∎ the clocks go forward tomorrow on avance les pendules demain;∎ if this scheme goes forward… si ce projet est accepté…∎ it's cold - let's go in il fait froid - entrons;∎ it's too big, it won't go in c'est trop grand, ça ne rentrera pas(b) (disappear → moon, sun) se cacher(a) (engage in → activity, hobby, sport) pratiquer, faire; (→ occupation) se consacrer à; (→ politics) s'occuper de, faire;∎ she went in for company law elle s'est lancée dans le droit commercial;∎ he thought about going in for teaching il a pensé devenir enseignant∎ I don't go in much for opera je n'aime pas trop l'opéra, l'opéra ne me dit rien;∎ he goes in for special effects in a big way il est très branché effets spéciaux;∎ we don't go in for that kind of film nous n'aimons pas ce genre de film;∎ this publisher doesn't really go in for fiction cet éditeur ne fait pas tellement dans le roman∎ they don't go in for injections so much nowadays ils ne sont pas tellement pour les piqûres de nos jours;∎ why do scientists go in for all that jargon? pourquoi est-ce que les scientifiques utilisent tout ce jargon?(e) (apply for → job, position) poser sa candidature à, postuler(a) (enter → building, house) entrer dans; (→ activity, profession) entrer à ou dans; (→ politics, business) se lancer dans;∎ she's gone into hospital elle est (r)entrée à l'hôpital;∎ to go into the army (as profession) devenir militaire de carrière; (as conscript) partir au service;∎ he went into medicine il a choisi la médecine(b) (be invested → of effort, money, time)∎ a lot of care had gone into making her feel at home on s'était donné beaucoup de peine pour la mettre à l'aise;∎ two months of research went into our report nous avons mis ou investi deux mois de recherche dans notre rapport(c) (embark on → action) commencer à; (→ explanation, speech) se lancer ou s'embarquer dans, (se mettre à) donner; (→ problem) aborder;∎ I'll go into the problem of your taxes later j'aborderai le problème de vos impôts plus tard;∎ the car went into a skid la voiture a commencé à déraper;∎ to go into hysterics avoir une crise de nerfs;∎ to go into fits of laughter être pris d'un fou rire(d) (examine, investigate) examiner, étudier;∎ you need to go into the question more deeply vous devez examiner le problème de plus près;∎ the matter is being gone into l'affaire est à l'étude(e) (explain in depth) entrer dans;∎ the essay goes into the moral aspects of the question l'essai aborde les aspects moraux de la question;∎ I won't go into details je ne vais pas entrer dans les détails;∎ let's not go into that ne parlons pas de ça(f) (begin to wear) se mettre à porter;∎ to go into mourning prendre le deuil(g) (hit, run into) entrer dans;∎ a car went into him une voiture lui est rentrée dedans∎ to go into a file aller dans un fichier➲ go off∎ she went off to work elle est partie travailler;∎ her husband has gone off and left her son mari l'a quittée;∎ Theatre the actors went off les acteurs ont quitté la scène(b) (stop operating → light, radio) s'éteindre; (→ heating) s'éteindre, s'arrêter; (→ pain) partir, s'arrêter;∎ the electricity went off l'électricité a été coupée∎ the grenade went off in her hand la grenade a explosé dans sa main;∎ the gun didn't go off le coup n'est pas parti;∎ figurative to go off into fits of laughter être pris d'un fou rire(d) (have specified outcome) se passer;∎ the interview went off badly/well l'entretien s'est mal/bien passé;∎ her speech went off well son discours a été bien reçu(e) (fall asleep) s'endormir(f) British (deteriorate → food) s'avarier, se gâter; (→ milk) tourner; (→ butter) rancir; (→ athlete, sportsperson) perdre sa forme;∎ the play goes off in the second half la pièce se gâte pendant la seconde partie∎ he's gone off classical music/smoking il n'aime plus la musique classique/fumer, la musique classique/fumer ne l'intéresse plus;∎ I've gone off the idea cette idée ne me dit plus rien;∎ she's gone off her boyfriend son copain ne l'intéresse plus;∎ funny how you can go off people c'est drôle comme on se lasse des gens parfois(a) (leave with) partir avec;∎ he went off with the woman next door il est parti avec la voisine(b) (make off with) partir avec;∎ someone has gone off with his keys quelqu'un est parti avec ses clés;∎ he went off with the jewels il s'est enfui avec les bijoux➲ go on(a) (move, proceed) aller; (without stopping) poursuivre son chemin; (after stopping) repartir, se remettre en route;∎ you go on, I'll catch up allez-y, je vous rattraperai (en chemin);∎ they went on without us ils sont partis sans nous;∎ after dinner they went on to Susan's house après le dîner, ils sont allés chez Susan;∎ we went on home nous sommes rentrés(b) (continue action) continuer;∎ she went on (with her) reading elle a continué à ou de lire;∎ the chairman went on speaking le président a continué son discours;∎ "and that's not all", he went on "et ce n'est pas tout", a-t-il poursuivi;∎ you can't go on being a student for ever! tu ne peux pas être étudiant toute ta vie!;∎ go on looking! cherchez encore!;∎ go on, ask her vas-y, demande-lui;∎ familiar go on, be a devil vas-y, laisse-toi tenter!;∎ go on, I'm listening continuez, je vous écoute;∎ I can't go on like this! je ne peux plus continuer comme ça!;∎ if he goes on like this, he'll get fired s'il continue comme ça, il va se faire renvoyer;∎ their affair has been going on for years leur liaison dure depuis des années;∎ the party went on into the small hours la soirée s'est prolongée jusqu'à très tôt le matin;∎ life goes on la vie continue ou va son train;∎ they have enough (work) to be going on with ils ont du pain sur la planche ou de quoi faire pour le moment;∎ here's £25 to be going on with voilà 25 livres pour te dépanner∎ he went on to explain why il a ensuite expliqué pourquoi;∎ to go on to another question passer à une autre question;∎ she went on to become a doctor elle est ensuite devenue médecin(d) (be placed, fit) aller;∎ the lid goes on this way le couvercle se met comme ça;∎ I can't get the lid to go on je n'arrive pas à mettre le couvercle;∎ the cap goes on the other end le bouchon se met ou va sur l'autre bout(e) (happen, take place) se passer;∎ what's going on here? qu'est-ce qui se passe ici?;∎ there was a fight going on il y avait une bagarre;∎ a lot of cheating goes on during the exams on triche beaucoup pendant les examens;∎ several conversations were going on at once il y avait plusieurs conversations à la fois;∎ while the war was going on pendant la guerre∎ as the week went on au fur et à mesure que la semaine passait;∎ as time goes on avec le temps, à mesure que le temps passe∎ she does go on! elle n'arrête pas de parler!, c'est un vrai moulin à paroles!;∎ he goes on and on about politics il parle politique sans cesse;∎ don't go on about it! ça va, on a compris!;∎ I don't want to go on about it, but... je ne voudrais pas avoir l'air d'insister, mais...;∎ what are you going on about now? qu'est-ce que vous racontez?∎ what a way to go on! en voilà des manières!(i) (start operating → light, radio, television) s'allumer; (→ heating, motor, power) s'allumer, se mettre en marche∎ he's going on for forty il va sur ses quarante ans(a) (enter → boat, train) monter dans∎ to go on a journey/a holiday partir en voyage/en vacances;∎ to go on a diet se mettre au régime(c) (be guided by) se laisser guider par, se fonder ou se baser sur;∎ the detective didn't have much to go on le détective n'avait pas grand-chose sur quoi s'appuyer ou qui puisse le guider;∎ she goes a lot on instinct elle se fie beaucoup à ou se fonde beaucoup sur son instinct∎ he's going on forty-five il va sur ses quarante-cinq ans;∎ humorous she's fifteen going on forty-five (wise) elle a quinze ans mais elle est déjà très mûre; (old beyond her years) elle a quinze ans mais elle est vieille avant l'âge∎ I don't go much on abstract art l'art abstrait ne me dit pas grand-chose∎ the boss went on and on at her at the meeting le patron n'a pas cessé de s'en prendre à elle pendant la réunion;∎ he's always going on at his wife about money il est toujours sur le dos de sa femme avec les questions d'argent;∎ I went on at my mother to go and see the doctor j'ai embêté ma mère pour qu'elle aille voir le médecin;∎ don't go on at me! laisse-moi tranquille!∎ my parents made us go out of the room mes parents nous ont fait sortir de la pièce ou quitter la pièce;∎ to go out for a meal aller au restaurant;∎ to go out to dinner sortir dîner;∎ to go out for a walk aller se promener, aller faire une promenade;∎ she's gone out to get a paper elle est sortie (pour) acheter un journal;∎ they went out to the country ils sont allés ou ils ont fait une sortie à la campagne;∎ she goes out to work elle travaille en dehors de la maison ou hors de chez elle;∎ he went out of her life il est sorti de sa vie;∎ she was dressed to go out (ready to leave) elle était prête à sortir; (dressed up) elle était très habillée∎ they went out to Africa (travelled) ils sont partis en Afrique; (emigrated) ils sont partis vivre ou ils ont émigré en Afrique∎ to go out with sb sortir avec qn;∎ we've been going out together for a month ça fait un mois que nous sortons ensemble(d) (fire, light) s'éteindre(e) (disappear) disparaître;∎ the joy went out of her eyes la joie a disparu de son regard;∎ the spring went out of his step il a perdu sa démarche légère;∎ all the heart went out of her elle a perdu courage(f) (cease to be fashionable) passer de mode, se démoder;∎ to go out of style/fashion ne plus être le bon style/à la mode;∎ familiar that hairstyle went out with the ark cette coiffure remonte au déluge∎ the tide has gone out la marée est descendue, la mer s'est retirée;∎ the tide goes out 6 kilometres la mer se retire sur 6 kilomètres∎ I went out to see for myself j'ai décidé de voir par moi-même;∎ we have to go out and do something about this il faut que nous prenions des mesures ou que nous fassions quelque chose(i) (be sent → letter) être envoyé; (be published → brochure, pamphlet) être distribué; (be broadcast → radio or television programme) être diffusé(j) (feelings, sympathies) aller;∎ our thoughts go out to all those who suffer nos pensées vont vers tous ceux qui souffrent;∎ my heart goes out to her je suis de tout cœur avec elle dans son chagrin∎ Agassi went out to Henman Agassi s'est fait sortir par Henman∎ she went all out to help us elle a fait tout son possible pour nous aider□➲ go over(a) (move overhead) passer;∎ I just saw a plane go over je viens de voir passer un avion∎ I went over to see her je suis allé la voir;∎ they went over to talk to her ils sont allés lui parler;∎ to go over to Europe aller en Europe(d) (change, switch) changer;∎ I've gone over to another brand of washing powder je viens de changer de marque de lessive;∎ when will we go over to the metric system? quand est-ce qu'on va passer au système métrique?(e) (change allegiance) passer, se joindre;∎ he's gone over to the Socialists il est passé dans le camp des socialistes;∎ she went over to the enemy elle est passée à l'ennemi(f) (be received) passer;∎ the speech went over badly/well le discours a mal/bien passé(a) (move, travel over) passer par-dessus;∎ the horse went over the fence le cheval a sauté (par-dessus) la barrière;∎ we went over a bump on a pris une bosse∎ would you go over my report? voulez-vous regarder mon rapport?(c) (repeat) répéter; (review → notes, speech) réviser, revoir; (→ facts) récapituler, revoir; School réviser;∎ she went over the interview in her mind elle a repassé l'entretien dans son esprit;∎ I kept going over everything leading up to the accident je continuais de repenser à tous les détails qui avaient conduit à l'accident;∎ let's go over it again reprenons, récapitulons;∎ he goes over and over the same stories il rabâche les mêmes histoires∎ let's go over now to our Birmingham studios passons l'antenne à notre studio de Birmingham;∎ we're going over live now to Paris nous allons maintenant à Paris où nous sommes en direct(move in front of) passer devant; (move beyond) dépasser➲ go round∎ is there enough cake to go round? est-ce qu'il y a assez de gâteau pour tout le monde?;∎ to make the food go round ménager la nourriture∎ we went round to his house nous sommes allés chez lui;∎ I'm going round there later on j'y vais plus tard(d) (be continuously present → idea, tune)∎ that song keeps going round in my head j'ai cette chanson dans la tête(e) (spin → wheel) tourner;∎ figurative my head's going round j'ai la tête qui tourne(f) (make a detour) faire un détour;∎ to go round the long way faire un long détour(tour → museum) faire le tour de;∎ I hate going round the shops j'ai horreur de faire les boutiques(a) (crowd, tunnel) traverser;∎ figurative a shiver went through her un frisson l'a parcourue ou traversée(b) (endure, experience) subir, souffrir;∎ he's going through hell c'est l'enfer pour lui;∎ we all have to go through it sometime on doit tous y passer un jour ou l'autre;∎ I can't face going through all that again je ne supporterais pas de passer par là une deuxième fois;∎ after everything she's gone through après tout ce qu'elle a subi ou enduré;∎ we've gone through a lot together nous avons vécu beaucoup de choses ensemble∎ she goes through a pair of tights a week elle use une paire de collants par semaine;∎ I've gone through the toes of my socks j'ai usé ou troué mes chaussettes au bout;∎ humorous how many assistants has he gone through now? combien d'assistants a-t-il déjà eus?;∎ his novel has gone through six editions il y a déjà eu six éditions de son roman(d) (examine → accounts, document) examiner, vérifier; (→ list, proposal) éplucher; (→ mail) dépouiller; (→ drawer, pockets) fouiller (dans); (→ files) chercher dans; (sort) trier;∎ we went through the contract together nous avons regardé ou examiné le contrat ensemble;∎ did customs go through your suitcase? est-ce qu'ils ont fouillé votre valise à la douane?;∎ he went through her pockets il a fouillé ses poches(e) (of bill, law) être voté;∎ the bill went through Parliament last week le projet de loi a été voté la semaine dernière au Parlement∎ Music let's go through the introduction again reprenons l'introduction;∎ we had to go through the whole business of applying for a visa nous avons dû nous farcir toutes les démarches pour obtenir un visa∎ let's go through it again from the beginning reprenons dès le début(a) (travel through, penetrate) passer, traverser(b) (offer, proposal) être accepté; (business deal) être conclu, se faire; (bill, law) passer, être voté; (divorce) être prononcé;∎ the adoption finally went through l'adoption s'est faite finalement∎ to go through with sth aller jusqu'au bout de qch, exécuter qch;∎ he'll never go through with it il n'ira jamais jusqu'au bout;∎ they went through with their threat ils ont exécuté leur menace∎ the two things often go together les deux choses vont souvent de pair(a) (move towards) aller vers(b) (effort, money) être consacré à;∎ all her energy went towards fighting illiteracy elle a dépensé toute son énergie à combattre l'analphabétisme➲ go under(b) figurative (fail → business) couler, faire faillite; (→ project) couler, échouer; (→ person) échouer, sombrer(c) (under anaesthetic) s'endormir(a) (move, travel underneath) passer par-dessous∎ to go under a false/different name utiliser ou prendre un faux nom/un nom différent;∎ a glue that goes under the name of Stikit une colle qui s'appelle Stikit➲ go up∎ to go up to town aller en ville;∎ I'm going up to bed je monte me coucher;∎ have you ever gone up in an aeroplane? êtes-vous déjà monté en avion?;∎ going up! (in lift) on monte!;∎ to go up in the world faire son chemin(b) (increase → amount, numbers) augmenter, croître; (→ price) monter, augmenter; (→ temperature) monter, s'élever;∎ rents are going up les loyers sont en hausse;∎ meat is going up (in price) (le prix de) la viande augmente;∎ to go up in sb's estimation monter dans l'estime de qn(c) (sudden noise) s'élever;∎ a shout went up un cri s'éleva∎ new buildings are going up all over town de nouveaux immeubles surgissent dans toute la ville(e) (explode, be destroyed) sauter, exploser∎ before the curtain goes up avant le lever du rideau∎ she went up to Oxford in 1950 elle est entrée à Oxford en 1950∎ he went up for murder il a fait de la taule pour meurtre∎ they look set to go up to the First Division ils ont l'air prêts à entrer en première divisionmonter;∎ to go up a hill/ladder monter une colline/sur une échelle;∎ Music the pianist went up an octave le pianiste a monté d'une octave;∎ to go up to sb/sth se diriger vers qn/qch;∎ the path goes up to the front door le chemin mène à la porte d'entrée∎ the book only goes up to the end of the war le livre ne va que jusqu'à la fin de la guerre;∎ I will go up to £100 je veux bien aller jusqu'à 100 livres(a) (accompany, escort) accompagner, aller avec;∎ figurative to go with the crowd suivre la foule ou le mouvement;∎ you have to go with the times il faut vivre avec son temps(b) (be compatible → colours, flavours) aller avec;∎ that hat doesn't go with your suit ce chapeau ne va pas avec ton ensemble;∎ a white Burgundy goes well with snails le bourgogne blanc se marie bien ou va bien avec les escargots(c) (be part of) aller avec;∎ the flat goes with the job l'appartement va avec le poste;∎ the sense of satisfaction that goes with having done a good job le sentiment de satisfaction qu'apporte le travail bien fait;∎ mathematical ability usually goes with skill at chess des capacités en mathématiques vont souvent de pair avec un don pour les échecs∎ euphemism he's been going with other women (having sex) il a été avec d'autres femmesse passer de, se priver de;∎ he went without sleep or without sleeping for two days il n'a pas dormi pendant deux jourss'en passer;∎ we'll just have to go without il faudra s'en passer, c'est toutⓘ Do not pass go, (do not collect £200/$200) Au Monopoly les joueurs tirent parfois une carte qui les envoie sur la case "prison". Sur cette carte sont inscrits les mots do not pass go, do not collect £200 (ou bien do not collect $200 s'il s'agit de la version américaine). Cette phrase, dont la version française est "ne passez pas par la case départ, ne recevez pas 20 000 francs", est utilisée de façon allusive et sur le mode humoristique dans différents contextes: on dira par exemple you do that again and you're going straight to jail, Bill. Do not pass go, do not collect $200 ("refais ça, Bill, et je t'assure que tu iras droit en prison). On peut également utiliser cette expression lorsque quelqu'un essaie de mener un projet à bien mais rencontre des obstacles: the country is trying hard to get back on its feet but because of the civil war it has not even been allowed to pass go, let alone collect £200 ("le pays fait de son mieux pour se rétablir mais la guerre civile n'arrange rien, bien au contraire").ⓘ Go ahead, make my day C'est la formule prononcée par l'inspecteur Harry Callahan (incarné par Clint Eastwood) dans le film Sudden Impact (1983) lorsqu'il se trouve confronté à un gangster. Il s'agit d'une façon d'encourager le bandit à se servir de son arme afin de pouvoir l'abattre en état de légitime défense: "allez, vas-y, fais-moi plaisir". On utilise cette formule par allusion au film et en réaction à une personne qui vient de proférer des menaces. Ainsi, le président Reagan s'en servit en s'adressant à des travailleurs qui menaçaient de se mettre en grève. -
2 go
go [gəʊ]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━2. modal verb4. noun5. compounds━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━a. ( = move) aller• where are you going? où allez-vous ?• there he goes! le voilà !• you can go next allez-y(, je vous en prie) !► to go + preposition• the train goes at 90km/h le train roule à 90 km/h• where do we go from here? qu'est-ce qu'on fait maintenant ?• to go to France/to London aller en France/à Londres• to go up the hill monter la colline► to go + -ing• to go swimming (aller) nager► go and...• go and get me it! va me le chercher !• now you've gone and broken it! (inf) ça y est, tu l'as cassé !• when does the train go? quand part le train ?• after a week all our money had gone en l'espace d'une semaine, nous avions dépensé tout notre argent• he'll have to go [employee] on ne peut pas le garder• there goes my chance of promotion! je peux faire une croix sur ma promotion !• going, going, gone! une fois, deux fois, trois fois, adjugé, vendu !► to let sb go ( = allow to leave) laisser partir qn ; ( = make redundant) se séparer de qn ; ( = stop gripping) lâcher qn• let go! lâchez !• to let go of sth/sb lâcher qch/qn• eventually parents have to let go of their children tôt ou tard, les parents doivent laisser leurs enfants voler de leurs propres ailes► to let sth goc. ( = start) [car, machine] démarrer ; ( = function) [machine, watch, car] marcher• how do you make this go? comment est-ce que ça marche ?• to be going [machine, engine] être en marche► to get going [person] ( = leave)• once he gets going... une fois lancé...• to get things going activer les choses► to keep going ( = continue) [person] continuer ; [business] se maintenir• the police signalled her to stop but she kept going la police lui a fait signe de s'arrêter mais elle a continué son chemin• a cup of coffee is enough to keep her going all morning elle réussit à tenir toute la matinée avec un caféd. ( = begin) there he goes again! le voilà qui recommence !• here goes! (inf) allez, on y va !e. ( = progress) aller, marcher• how's it going? (comment) ça va ?• all went well for him until... tout s'est bien passé pour lui jusqu'au moment où...• add the sugar, stirring as you go ajoutez le sucre, en remuant au fur et à mesuref. ( = turn out) [events] se passer• how did your holiday go? comment se sont passées tes vacances ?• that's the way things go, I'm afraid c'est malheureux mais c'est comme çag. ( = become) devenir• have you gone mad? tu es devenu fou ?h. ( = fail) [fuse] sauter ; [bulb] griller ; [material] être usé ; [sight] baisser ; [strength] manqueri. ( = be sold) how much do you think the house will go for? combien crois-tu que la maison va être vendue ?• it went for $550 c'est parti à 550 dollarsj. ( = be given) [prize, reward, inheritance] revenir (to à)k. ( = be accepted) the story goes that... le bruit court que...l. ( = apply) that goes for you too c'est valable pour toi aussi• that goes for me too ( = I agree with that) je suis aussi de cet avis• as far as your suggestion goes... pour ce qui est de ta suggestion...• this explanation is fine, as far as it goes cette explication vaut ce qu'elle vautm. ( = available) are there any jobs going? y a-t-il des postes vacants ?• is there any coffee going? est-ce qu'il y a du café ?n. [tune] the tune goes like this voici l'airo. ( = make sound or movement) faire ; [bell, clock] sonnerp. ( = serve) the money will go to compensate the victims cet argent servira à dédommager les victimes► as... go• he's not bad, as estate agents go il n'est pas mauvais pour un agent immobilier2. modal verb► to be going to + infinitive allera. ( = travel) [+ distance] faireb. ( = make sound) faire• he went "psst" « psst » fit-il4. noun(plural goes)a. ( = motion) (inf) it's all go! ça n'arrête pas !• at one or a go d'un seul coup► to have a go ( = try) essayerc. ( = success) to make a go of sth réussir qch5. compounds• to give sb the go-ahead (to do) (inf) donner le feu vert à qn (pour faire) ► go-between noun intermédiaire mf► go-karting noun = go-carting► go abouta. allerb. [rumour] courira. [+ task, duties] he went about the task methodically il s'y est pris de façon méthodique• how does one go about getting seats? comment fait-on pour avoir des places ?( = cross) traverser• she went across to Mrs. Smith's elle est allée en face chez Mme Smith[+ river, road] traverser( = follow) suivre ; ( = attack) attaquer• go after him! suivez-le !a. ( = prove hostile to) [vote, judgement, decision] être défavorable àb. ( = oppose) aller à l'encontre de• conditions which went against national interests des conditions qui allaient à l'encontre des intérêts nationaux• it goes against my principles c'est contre mes principes► go ahead intransitive verb passer devant ; [event] avoir (bien) lieu ; [work] avancer• go ahead! allez-y !• why don't you go along too? pourquoi n'iriez-vous pas aussi ?• I can't go along with that at all je ne suis pas du tout d'accord là-dessus► go around intransitive verba. = go about ; go roundb. what goes around comes around tout finit par se payer► go away intransitive verb partir ; (on holiday) partir (en vacances) ; [pain] disparaître• we need to go away and think about this nous devons prendre le temps d'y réfléchir► go back intransitive verba. ( = return) retourner• it's getting dark, shall we go back? il commence à faire nuit, on rentre ?b. ( = retreat) reculerd. ( = revert) revenir (to à)e. ( = extend) s'étendre• the cave goes back 300 metres la grotte fait 300 mètres de long► go back on inseparable transitive verb[+ decision, promise] revenir sur( = happen earlier)[person] passer ; [period of time] (se) passerb. ( = be swallowed) it went down the wrong way j'ai (or il a etc) avalé de traversc. ( = be accepted) I wonder how that will go down with her parents je me demande comment ses parents vont prendre ça• to go down well/badly être bien/mal accueillid. [value, price, standards] baissere. ( = be relegated) être reléguéf. [stage curtain] tomber ; [theatre lights] s'éteindreg. ( = go as far as) allerh. [balloon, tyre] se dégonfler• my ankle's OK, the swelling has gone down ma cheville va bien, elle a désenflé► go down as inseparable transitive verb( = be regarded as) être considéré comme ; ( = be remembered as) passer à la postérité comme• the victory will go down as one of the highlights of the year cette victoire restera dans les mémoires comme l'un des grands moments de l'année► go down with (inf) inseparable transitive verb[+ illness] attrapera. ( = attack) attaquerc. ( = strive for) essayer d'avoir ; ( = choose) choisir• the theory has a lot going for it cette théorie a de nombreux mérites► go forward intransitive verba. ( = move ahead) avancer ; [economy] progresserb. ( = take place) avoir lieuc. ( = continue) maintenir• if they go forward with these proposals s'ils maintiennent ces propositions► go in intransitive verba. ( = enter) entrerb. ( = attack) attaquera. [+ examination] se présenter à ; [+ position, job] poser sa candidature à ; [+ competition, race] prendre part àb. [+ sport] pratiquer ; [+ hobby] se livrer à ; [+ style] affectionner ; [+ medicine, accounting, politics] faire• he doesn't go in for reading much il n'aime pas beaucoup lire► go into inseparable transitive verba. [+ profession, field] he doesn't want to go into industry il ne veut pas travailler dans l'industrieb. ( = embark on) [+ explanation] se lancer dansc. ( = investigate) étudierd. ( = be devoted to) être investi dansa. ( = leave) partirb. [alarm clock] sonner ; [alarm] se déclencherc. [light, radio, TV] s'éteindre ; [heating] s'arrêtere. [event] se passer• I used to like him, but I've gone off him lately je l'aimais bien mais depuis un certain temps il m'agace► go off with inseparable transitive verb partir aveca. ( = proceed on one's way) (without stopping) poursuivre son chemin ; (after stopping) continuer sa route ; (by car) reprendre la route• go on trying! essaie encore !• go on! continuez !• if you go on doing that, you'll get into trouble si tu continues, tu vas avoir des ennuis• don't go on about it! ça va, j'ai compris !• she's always going on at him about doing up the kitchen elle n'arrête pas de le harceler pour qu'il refasse la cuisinee. ( = proceed) passer• he went on to say that... puis il a dit que...• he retired from football and went on to become a journalist il a abandonné le football et est devenu journaliste• how long has this been going on? depuis combien de temps est-ce que ça dure ?• what's going on here? qu'est-ce qui se passe ici ?• as the day went on he became more and more anxious au fil des heures, il devenait de plus en plus inquiet• what a way to go on! en voilà des manières !i. ( = progress) [person, patient] aller• how is he going on? comment va-t-il ?( = be guided by) we don't have much to go on yet nous n'avons pas beaucoup d'indices pour l'instant► go on for inseparable transitive verba. ( = leave) sortirb. [fire, light] s'éteindrec. ( = travel) aller (to à)d. [sea] se retirer ; [tide] descendref. [invitation] être envoyé ; [radio programme, TV programme] être diffusé• an appeal has gone out for people to give blood un appel a été lancé pour encourager les dons de sanga. ( = cross) allerb. ( = be overturned) se retournera. ( = examine) [+ accounts, report] vérifierb. ( = review) [+ speech] revoir ; [+ facts, points] récapituler• let's go over the facts again récapitulons les faits► go over to inseparable transitive verb passer àa. ( = turn) tournerc. ( = be sufficient) suffire (pour tout le monde)d. ( = circulate) [document, story] circuler• there's a rumour going round that... le bruit court que...e. = go about► go through( = be agreed) [proposal] être accepté ; [business deal] être conclua. ( = suffer, endure) endurerb. ( = examine) [+ list] examiner ; [+ book] parcourir ; [+ mail] regarder ; [+ subject, plan] étudier ; [+ one's pockets] fouiller dans• I went through my drawers looking for a pair of socks j'ai cherché une paire de chaussettes dans mes tiroirsc. ( = use up) [+ money] dépenser ; ( = wear out) userd. ( = carry out) [+ routine, course of study] suivre ; [+ formalities] accomplir ; [+ apprenticeship] faire► go through with inseparable transitive verb( = persist with) [+ plan, threat] mettre à exécution• in the end she couldn't go through with it en fin de compte elle n'a pas pu le faire► go together intransitive verb[colours, flavours] aller (bien) ensemble ; [events, conditions, ideas] aller de paira. ( = sink) [ship, person] coulerb. ( = fail) [person, business] faire faillite► go upa. monter[+ hill] gravira. [circumstances, event, conditions] aller (de pair) avec• mothers feed their children and go without themselves les mères nourrissent leurs enfants et se privent elles-mêmes de tout* * *[gəʊ] 1.1) (move, travel) aller ( from de; to à, en)to go to Wales/to California — aller au Pays de Galles/en Californie
to go to town/to the country — aller en ville/à la campagne
to go up/down/across — monter/descendre/traverser
to go by bus/train — voyager en bus/train
to go by ou past — [person, vehicle] passer
there he goes again! — ( that's him again) le revoilà!; fig ( he's starting again) le voilà qui recommence!
where do we go from here? — fig et maintenant qu'est-ce qu'on fait?
2) (on specific errand, activity) allerto go on a journey/on holiday — partir en voyage/en vacances
3) ( attend) allerto go to school/work — aller à l'école/au travail
5) ( depart) partir7) ( disappear) partir8) (be sent, transmitted)9) ( become)to go mad — devenir fou/folle
10) ( change over to new system)to go Labour — Politics [country, constituency] voter travailliste
11) (be, remain)12) (weaken, become impaired)13) ( of time)14) ( be got rid of)six down and four to go! — six de faits, et encore quatre à faire!
15) (operate, function) [vehicle, machine, clock] marcher, fonctionnerto set [something] going — mettre [quelque chose] en marche
to get going — [engine, machine] se mettre en marche; fig [business] démarrer
to keep going — [person, business, machine] se maintenir
16) ( start)here goes! —
once he gets going, he never stops — une fois lancé, il n'arrête pas
17) ( lead) aller, conduire (to à)the road goes down/goes up — la route descend/monte
18) ( extend in depth or scope)a hundred pounds doesn't go far these days — on ne va pas loin avec cent livres sterling de nos jours
you can make £5 go a long way — on peut faire beaucoup de choses avec 5 livres sterling
19) (belong, be placed) aller20) ( fit) gen rentrer22) ( be accepted)23) ( be about to)24) ( happen)how's it going? — (colloq)
how are things going? — comment ça va? (colloq)
how goes it? — hum comment ça va? (colloq)
25) ( be on average)it's old, as Australian towns go — c'est une ville assez vieille pour une ville australienne
it wasn't a bad party, as parties go — c'était une soirée plutôt réussie par rapport à la moyenne
26) ( be sold)the house went for over £100,000 — la maison a été vendue à plus de 100000 livres
‘going, going, gone!’ — ‘une fois, deux fois, trois fois, adjugé!’
27) ( be on offer)I'll have some coffee, if there's any going — je prendrai bien un café, s'il y en a
28) ( contribute)29) ( be given) [award, prize] aller (to à); [estate, inheritance, title] passer (to à)30) ( emphatic use)then he had to go and lose his wallet — comme s'il ne manquait plus que ça, il a perdu son portefeuille
31) ( of money) (be spent, used up)32) (make sound, perform action or movement) gen faire; [bell, alarm] sonnerthe cat went ‘miaow’ — le chat a fait ‘miaou’
33) (resort to, have recourse to)to go to war — [country] entrer en guerre; [soldier] partir à la guerre
to go to law GB ou to the law US — aller en justice
34) (break, collapse etc) [roof] s'effondrer; [cable, rope] se rompre; [light bulb] griller35) ( take one's turn)you go next — c'est ton tour après, c'est à toi après
36) ( be in harmony)37) ( in takeaway)2. 3.whose go is it? — gen à qui le tour?; ( in game) à qui de jouer?
2) (colloq) ( energy)to be full of go —
•Phrasal Verbs:- go about- go after- go ahead- go along- go at- go away- go back- go below- go by- go down- go for- go in- go into- go off- go on- go on at- go out- go over- go round- go under- go up- go with••all systems are go! — Aerospace tout est paré pour le lancement!
he's all go! — (colloq) il n'arrête pas!
that's how it goes! —
there you go! — (colloq) voilà!
3 go
I 1. [gəʊ]1) (move, travel) andareto go to London, to the States, to Ireland — andare a Londra, negli Stati Uniti, in Irlanda
to go to town, to the country — andare in città, in campagna
to go up, down, across — salire, scendere, attraversare
to go by train, plane — andare o viaggiare in treno, aereo
to go by o past [person, vehicle] passare, superare; there he goes again! (that's him again) rieccolo là! fig. (he's starting again) eccolo che ricomincia! where do we go from here? — fig. e adesso cosa facciamo?
2) (on specific errand, activity) andareto go for a walk, a drink — andare a fare una passeggiata, a bere qualcosa
to go on holiday, on a journey — andare in vacanza, a fare un viaggio
3) (attend) andareto go to work — andare a lavorare o al lavoro
5) (depart) andare, partireI must go, I must be going — devo andare
6) eufem. (die) morire, dipartirsiwhen I am gone — quando me ne sarò andato o non sarò più qui
7) (disappear) partire, andare8) (be sent, transmitted)9) (become)to go red — arrossire, diventare rosso
to go white — diventare bianco, imbiancare
to go Labour — pol. [country, constituency] votare per il partito laburista
11) (be, remain)we went for two days without food — siamo stati digiuni per due giorni o due giorni senza mangiare
12) (weaken)his voice, hearing is going — sta perdendo la voce, sta diventando sordo
13) (elapse) passare, trascorrerethree hours went by before... — passarono tre ore prima che...
14) (be got rid of)either she goes or I do! — o se ne va lei, o me ne vado io o lo faccio io!
15) (operate, function) [vehicle, machine, clock] andare, funzionareto set sth. going — mettere in funzione o in moto qcs.
to get going — [engine, machine] mettersi in moto; fig. [ business] avviarsi, decollare
to keep going — [ person] tenere duro; [ machine] continuare a funzionare; [ business] continuare ad andare bene
16) (start)to get things going — darci dentro, muoversi
ready, steady, go! — pronti, partenza, via!
here goes! here we go! forza! ci siamo! once he gets going, he never stops — una volta partito, non si ferma più o non lo ferma più nessuno
17) (lead) andare, condurre, portarethe road goes down to the sea, goes up the mountain — la strada scende verso il mare, sale verso la montagna
to go very deep — [ roots] andare molto profondo; [reasons, habits] avere radici profonde, risalire a molto tempo fa
this goes a long way towards explaining his attitude — questo contribuisce molto a spiegare il suo atteggiamento
19) (belong, be placed) andare20) (fit) entrare21) (be expressed)the story goes that — corre voce o si dice che
22) (be accepted)what he says goes — quello che dice lui, va bene
anything goes — tutto è permesso, qualsiasi cosa va bene
23) (be about to)it's going to snow — nevicherà, sta per nevicare
24) (happen)the way things are going... — da come vanno le cose...
how are things going? how's it going? — colloq. come vanno le cose? come va?
how goes it? — scherz. come va?
25) (be on average)it's old, as Australian towns go — per essere una città australiana, è vecchia
it wasn't a bad party, as parties go — non è stata una brutta festa rispetto alla media
26) (be sold)to go for over Ј 100,000 — andare o essere venduto per oltre 100.000 sterline
"going, going, gone!" — (at auction) "centomila, ecc. e uno, centomila, ecc. e due, centomila, ecc. e tre, aggiudicato!"
27) (be on offer)I'll have some coffee, if there's any going — prenderò un caffè, se ce n'è
28) (contribute)29) (be given) [award, job] andare; [estate, inheritance, title] andare, passareto go to charity — [ money] andare in beneficenza
30) (emphatic use)then he had to go and lose his wallet — come se non bastasse, ha anche perso il portafoglio
31) (be spent)32) (make sound, perform action or movement) fare; [bell, alarm] suonarethe cat went "miaow" — il gatto ha fatto "miao"
so he goes "what about my money?" — colloq. poi fa "e i miei soldi?"
33) (resort to)to go to war — [ country] entrare in guerra; [ soldier] andare in guerra
to go to law — BE o
to the law — AE ricorrere alla giustizia
34) (break, collapse) [ roof] sfondarsi; [cable, rope] spezzarsi, cedere; [ light bulb] bruciarsiyou go first — prima tu, dopo di te
36) AE (in takeaway)2.we had gone ten miles before we realized that... — abbiamo fatto dieci miglia prima di accorgerci che...
- go about- go after- go ahead- go along- go at- go away- go back- go below- go by- go down- go for- go in- go into- go off- go on- go on at- go out- go over- go round- go under- go up- go with••to go one better than sb. — fare meglio di o superare qcn.
II [gəʊ]there you go! — colloq. voilà!
it's your go — è il tuo turno, tocca a te
to have a go at sth. — provare a o tentare di fare qcs.
2) colloq. (energy) entusiasmo m.to be full of go, to be all go — essere pieno di energia o vita
••to have a go at sb. — prendersela con qcn.
to make a go of sth. — fare un successo di qcs.
he's always on the go — è sempre in movimento, non si ferma mai
in one go — in un colpo solo, in una volta
* * *[ɡəu] 1. 3rd person singular present tense - goes; verb1) (to walk, travel, move etc: He is going across the field; Go straight ahead; When did he go out?) andare2) (to be sent, passed on etc: Complaints have to go through the proper channels.) passare3) (to be given, sold etc: The prize goes to John Smith; The table went for $100.) andare; essere venduto4) (to lead to: Where does this road go?) andare5) (to visit, to attend: He goes to school every day; I decided not to go to the movie.) andare6) (to be destroyed etc: This wall will have to go.) andarsene7) (to proceed, be done: The meeting went very well.) scorrere8) (to move away: I think it is time you were going.) partire9) (to disappear: My purse has gone!) scomparire10) (to do (some action or activity): I'm going for a walk; I'm going hiking next week-end.) andare11) (to fail etc: I think the clutch on this car has gone.) cedere12) (to be working etc: I don't think that clock is going.) camminare, funzionare13) (to become: These apples have gone bad.) diventare14) (to be: Many people in the world regularly go hungry.) andare15) (to be put: Spoons go in that drawer.) passare16) (to pass: Time goes quickly when you are enjoying yourself.) essere permesso17) (to be used: All her pocket-money goes on sweets.) fare18) (to be acceptable etc: Anything goes in this office.) essere19) (to make a particular noise: Dogs go woof, not miaow.) andare20) (to have a particular tune etc: How does that song go?) fare21) (to become successful etc: She always makes a party go.) riuscire2. noun1) (an attempt: I'm not sure how to do it, but I'll have a go.) prova, tentativo2) (energy: She's full of go.) energia•- going3. adjective1) (successful: That shop is still a going concern.) fiorente2) (in existence at present: the going rate for typing manuscripts.) corrente•- go-ahead4. noun(permission: We'll start as soon as we get the go-ahead.) (il) via- going-over
- goings-on
- no-go
- all go
- be going on for
- be going on
- be going strong
- from the word go
- get going
- give the go-by
- go about
- go after
- go against
- go along
- go along with
- go around
- go around with
- go at
- go back
- go back on
- go by
- go down
- go far
- go for
- go in
- go in for
- go into
- go off
- go on
- go on at
- go out
- go over
- go round
- go slow
- go steady
- go through
- go through with
- go too far
- go towards
- go up
- go up in smoke/flames
- go with
- go without
- keep going
- make a go of something
- make a go
- on the go* * *I 1. [gəʊ]1) (move, travel) andareto go to London, to the States, to Ireland — andare a Londra, negli Stati Uniti, in Irlanda
to go to town, to the country — andare in città, in campagna
to go up, down, across — salire, scendere, attraversare
to go by train, plane — andare o viaggiare in treno, aereo
to go by o past [person, vehicle] passare, superare; there he goes again! (that's him again) rieccolo là! fig. (he's starting again) eccolo che ricomincia! where do we go from here? — fig. e adesso cosa facciamo?
2) (on specific errand, activity) andareto go for a walk, a drink — andare a fare una passeggiata, a bere qualcosa
to go on holiday, on a journey — andare in vacanza, a fare un viaggio
3) (attend) andareto go to work — andare a lavorare o al lavoro
5) (depart) andare, partireI must go, I must be going — devo andare
6) eufem. (die) morire, dipartirsiwhen I am gone — quando me ne sarò andato o non sarò più qui
7) (disappear) partire, andare8) (be sent, transmitted)9) (become)to go red — arrossire, diventare rosso
to go white — diventare bianco, imbiancare
to go Labour — pol. [country, constituency] votare per il partito laburista
11) (be, remain)we went for two days without food — siamo stati digiuni per due giorni o due giorni senza mangiare
12) (weaken)his voice, hearing is going — sta perdendo la voce, sta diventando sordo
13) (elapse) passare, trascorrerethree hours went by before... — passarono tre ore prima che...
14) (be got rid of)either she goes or I do! — o se ne va lei, o me ne vado io o lo faccio io!
15) (operate, function) [vehicle, machine, clock] andare, funzionareto set sth. going — mettere in funzione o in moto qcs.
to get going — [engine, machine] mettersi in moto; fig. [ business] avviarsi, decollare
to keep going — [ person] tenere duro; [ machine] continuare a funzionare; [ business] continuare ad andare bene
16) (start)to get things going — darci dentro, muoversi
ready, steady, go! — pronti, partenza, via!
here goes! here we go! forza! ci siamo! once he gets going, he never stops — una volta partito, non si ferma più o non lo ferma più nessuno
17) (lead) andare, condurre, portarethe road goes down to the sea, goes up the mountain — la strada scende verso il mare, sale verso la montagna
to go very deep — [ roots] andare molto profondo; [reasons, habits] avere radici profonde, risalire a molto tempo fa
this goes a long way towards explaining his attitude — questo contribuisce molto a spiegare il suo atteggiamento
19) (belong, be placed) andare20) (fit) entrare21) (be expressed)the story goes that — corre voce o si dice che
22) (be accepted)what he says goes — quello che dice lui, va bene
anything goes — tutto è permesso, qualsiasi cosa va bene
23) (be about to)it's going to snow — nevicherà, sta per nevicare
24) (happen)the way things are going... — da come vanno le cose...
how are things going? how's it going? — colloq. come vanno le cose? come va?
how goes it? — scherz. come va?
25) (be on average)it's old, as Australian towns go — per essere una città australiana, è vecchia
it wasn't a bad party, as parties go — non è stata una brutta festa rispetto alla media
26) (be sold)to go for over Ј 100,000 — andare o essere venduto per oltre 100.000 sterline
"going, going, gone!" — (at auction) "centomila, ecc. e uno, centomila, ecc. e due, centomila, ecc. e tre, aggiudicato!"
27) (be on offer)I'll have some coffee, if there's any going — prenderò un caffè, se ce n'è
28) (contribute)29) (be given) [award, job] andare; [estate, inheritance, title] andare, passareto go to charity — [ money] andare in beneficenza
30) (emphatic use)then he had to go and lose his wallet — come se non bastasse, ha anche perso il portafoglio
31) (be spent)32) (make sound, perform action or movement) fare; [bell, alarm] suonarethe cat went "miaow" — il gatto ha fatto "miao"
so he goes "what about my money?" — colloq. poi fa "e i miei soldi?"
33) (resort to)to go to war — [ country] entrare in guerra; [ soldier] andare in guerra
to go to law — BE o
to the law — AE ricorrere alla giustizia
34) (break, collapse) [ roof] sfondarsi; [cable, rope] spezzarsi, cedere; [ light bulb] bruciarsiyou go first — prima tu, dopo di te
36) AE (in takeaway)2.we had gone ten miles before we realized that... — abbiamo fatto dieci miglia prima di accorgerci che...
- go about- go after- go ahead- go along- go at- go away- go back- go below- go by- go down- go for- go in- go into- go off- go on- go on at- go out- go over- go round- go under- go up- go with••to go one better than sb. — fare meglio di o superare qcn.
II [gəʊ]there you go! — colloq. voilà!
it's your go — è il tuo turno, tocca a te
to have a go at sth. — provare a o tentare di fare qcs.
2) colloq. (energy) entusiasmo m.to be full of go, to be all go — essere pieno di energia o vita
••to have a go at sb. — prendersela con qcn.
to make a go of sth. — fare un successo di qcs.
he's always on the go — è sempre in movimento, non si ferma mai
in one go — in un colpo solo, in una volta
4 go
go ⇒ Usage note: go1 (move, travel) aller (from de ; to à, en) ; to go to London/Paris aller à Londres/Paris ; to go to Wales/to Ireland/to California aller au Pays de Galles/en Irlande/en Californie ; to go to town/to the country aller en ville/à la campagne ; they went home ils sont rentrés chez eux ; she's gone to Paris elle est allée à Paris ; to go up/down/across monter/descendre/traverser ; I went into the room je suis entré dans la pièce ; to go by bus/train/plane voyager en bus/train/avion ; we went there by bus nous y sommes allés en bus ; to go by ou past [person, vehicle] passer ; that car's going very fast! cette voiture roule très vite! ; there he goes again! ( that's him again) le revoilà! ; fig ( he's starting again) le voilà qui recommence!, c'est reparti! ; who goes there? Mil qui va là? ; where do we go from here? fig et maintenant qu'est-ce qu'on fait? ;2 (on specific errand, activity) aller ; to go shopping aller faire des courses ; to go swimming (in sea, river) aller se baigner ; ( in pool) aller à la piscine ; to go for a walk aller se promener ; to go on a journey/on holiday partir en voyage/en vacances ; to go for a drink aller prendre un verre ; he's gone to get some wine il est allé chercher du vin ; go and answer the phone va répondre au téléphone ; go and tell them that… va leur dire que… ; go after him! poursuivez-le! ;3 ( attend) aller ; to go to school/ church aller à l'école/l'église ; to go to work aller or se rendre au travail ; to go to the doctor's/dentist's aller chez le médecin/dentiste ;4 ( used as auxiliary with present participle) she went running up the stairs elle a monté l'escalier en courant ; she went complaining to the principal elle est allée se plaindre au directeur ;5 ( depart) partir ; I must go, I must be going il faut que je parte or que je m'en aille ; the train goes at six o'clock le train part à six heures ; a train goes every hour il y a un train toutes les heures ; to go on holiday partir en vacances ; be gone! va-t'en!, allez-vous en! ;6 euph ( die) mourir, disparaître ; when I am gone quand je ne serai plus là ; the doctors say she could go at any time d'après les médecins elle risque de mourir d'un instant à l'autre ;7 ( disappear) partir ; half the money goes on school fees la moitié de l'argent part en frais de scolarité ; the money/cake has all gone il ne reste plus d'argent/de gâteau ; I left my bike outside and now it's gone j'ai laissé mon vélo dehors et il n'est plus là or il a disparu ; there goes my chance of winning! c'en est fait de mes chances de gagner! ;8 (be sent, transmitted) it can't go by post on ne peut pas l'envoyer par la poste ; these proposals will go before parliament ces propositions seront soumises au parlement ;9 ( become) to go red rougir ; to go white blanchir ; his hair ou he is going grey il commençe à avoir les cheveux blancs ; to go mad devenir fou/folle ; to go bankrupt faire faillite ;10 ( change over to new system) to go Labour/Conservative Pol [country, constituency] voter travailliste/conservateur ; to go metric adopter le système métrique ; ⇒ private, public ;11 (be, remain) the people went hungry les gens n'avaient rien à manger ; we went for two days without food nous avons passé deux jours sans rien manger ; to go unnoticed passer inaperçu ; to go unpunished rester impuni ; the question went unanswered la question est restée sans réponse ; to go naked se promener tout nu ; he was allowed to go free il a été libéré or remis en liberté ;12 (weaken, become impaired) his memory/mind is going il perd la mémoire/l'esprit ; his hearing is going il devient sourd ; my voice is going je n'ai plus de voix ; the battery is going la batterie est presque à plat ; the engine is going le moteur a des ratés ;13 ( of time) ( elapse) s'écouler ; three hours went by before… trois heures se sont écoulées avant que… (+ subj) ; there are only three days to go before Christmas il ne reste plus que trois jours avant Noël ; how's the time going? quelle heure est-il? ; it's just gone seven o'clock il est un peu plus de sept heures ;14 ( be got rid of) he's totally inefficient, he'll have to go! il est complètement incapable, il va falloir qu'on se débarrasse de lui! ; that new lampshade is hideous, it'll have to go! ce nouvel abat-jour est affreux, il va falloir qu'on s'en débarrasse! ; the car will have to go il va falloir vendre la voiture ; either she goes or I do! c'est elle ou moi! ; six down and four to go! six de faits, et encore quatre à faire! ;15 (operate, function) [vehicle, machine, clock] marcher, fonctionner ; to set [sth] going mettre [qch] en marche ; to get going [engine, machine] se mettre en marche ; fig [business] démarrer ; to get the fire going allumer le feu ; to keep going [person, business, machine] tenir le coup ○, se maintenir ; we have several projects going at the moment nous avons plusieurs projets en route en ce moment ; ⇒ keep ;16 ( start) let's get going! allons-y!, allez, on commençe! ; we'll have to get going on that translation il va falloir qu'on se mette à faire cette traduction ; to get things going mettre les choses en train ; ready, steady, go! à vos marques, prêts, partez! ; here goes!, here we go! c'est parti! ; once he gets going, he never stops une fois lancé, il n'arrête pas ;17 ( lead) aller, conduire, mener (to à) ; that corridor goes to the kitchen le couloir va or conduit à la cuisine ; the road goes down to the sea/goes up the mountain la route descend vers la mer/monte au sommet de la montagne ; this road goes past the cemetery ce chemin passe à côté du cimetière ;18 ( extend in depth or scope) the roots of the plant go very deep les racines de la plante s'enfoncent très profondément ; the historical reasons for this conflict go very deep les raisons historiques de ce conflit remontent très loin ; these habits go very deep ces habitudes sont profondément ancrées or enracinées ; as far as that goes pour ce qui est de cela ; it's true as far as it goes c'est vrai dans un sens or dans une certaine mesure ; she'll go far! elle ira loin! ; this time he's gone too far! cette fois il est allé trop loin! ; a hundred pounds doesn't go far these days on ne va pas loin avec cent livres sterling de nos jours ; one leg of lamb doesn't go very far among twelve people un gigot d'agneau n'est pas suffisant pour douze personnes ; this goes a long way towards explaining his attitude ceci explique en grande partie son attitude ; you can make £5 go a long way on peut faire beaucoup de choses avec 5 livres sterling ;19 (belong, be placed) aller ; where do these plates go? où vont ces assiettes? ; that table goes beside the bed cette table va à côté du lit ; the suitcases will have to go in the back il va falloir mettre les valises derrière ;20 ( fit) gen rentrer ; it won't go into the box ça ne rentre pas dans la boîte ; five into four won't go quatre n'est pas divisible par cinq ; three into six goes twice six divisé par trois, ça fait deux ;21 (be expressed, sung etc in particular way) I can't remember how the poem goes je n'arrive pas à me rappeler le poème ; how does the song go? quel est l'air de la chanson? ; the song goes something like this la chanson ressemble à peu près à ça ; as the saying goes comme dit le proverbe ; the story goes that le bruit court que, on dit que ; her theory goes something like this… sa théorie consiste à peu près à dire que… ;22 ( be accepted) what he says goes c'est lui qui fait la loi ; it goes without saying that il va sans dire que ; that goes without saying cela va sans dire ; anything goes tout est permis ;23 ( be about to) to be going to do aller faire ; it's going to snow il va neiger ; I was just going to phone you j'étais justement sur le point de t'appeler, j'allais justement t'appeler ; I'm going to phone him right now je vais l'appeler tout de suite ; I'm not going to be treated like that! je ne vais pas me laisser faire comme ça! ; we were going to go to Italy, but we changed our plans nous devions aller en Italie, mais nous avons changé d'idée ;24 ( happen) the party went very well la soirée s'est très bien passée ; so far the campaign is going well jusqu'à maintenant la campagne a bien marché ; how did the evening go? comment s'est passée la soirée? ; the way things are going, I don't think we'll ever get finished vu la façon dont les choses se passent or si ça continue comme ça, je pense qu'on n'aura jamais fini ; how's it going ○ ?, how are things going? comment ça va ○ ? ; how goes it? hum comment ça va ○ ?, comment va ◑ ? ;25 ( be on average) it's old, as Australian towns go c'est une ville assez vieille pour une ville australienne ; it wasn't a bad party, as parties go c'était une soirée plutôt réussie par rapport à la moyenne ;26 ( be sold) the house went for over £100,000 la maison a été vendue à plus de 100 000 livres ; we won't let the house go for less than £100,000 nous ne voulons pas vendre la maison à moins de 100 000 livres ; those rugs are going cheap ces tapis ne sont pas chers ; the house will go to the highest bidder la maison sera vendue au plus offrant ; ‘going, going, gone!’ ( at auction) ‘une fois, deux fois, trois fois, adjugé!’ ;27 ( be on offer) I'll have some coffee, if there's any going je prendrai bien un café, s'il y en a ; are there any drinks going? est-ce qu'il y a quelque chose à boire? ; I'll have whatever's going je prendrai ce qu'il y a ; it's the best machine going c'est la meilleure machine sur le marché ; there's a job going at their London office il y a un poste libre dans leur bureau de Londres ;28 ( contribute) the money will go towards a new roof l'argent servira à payer un nouveau toit ; the elements that go to make a great film les éléments qui font un bon film ; everything that goes to make a good teacher toutes les qualités d'un bon enseignant ;29 ( be given) [award, prize] aller (to à) ; [estate, inheritance, title] passer (to à) ; the money will go to charity les bénéfices iront aux bonnes œuvres ; most of the credit should go to the author la plus grande partie du mérite revient à l'auteur ; the job went to a local man le poste a été donné à un homme de la région ;30 ( emphatic use) she's gone and told everybody! elle est allée le dire à tout le monde! ; why did he go and spoil it? pourquoi est-il allé tout gâcher ? ; you've gone and ruined everything! tu t'es débrouillé pour tout gâcher! ; he went and won the competition! il s'est débrouillé pour gagner le concours! ; you've really gone and done it now! tu peux être fier de toi! iron ; then he had to go and lose his wallet comme s'il ne manquait plus que ça, il a perdu son portefeuille ;31 ( of money) (be spent, used up) all his money goes on drink tout son argent passe dans l'alcool ; most of his salary goes on rent la plus grande partie de son salaire passe dans le loyer ; I don't know where all my money goes (to)! je ne sais pas ce que je fais de mon argent! ;32 (make sound, perform action or movement) gen faire ; [bell, alarm] sonner ; the cat went ‘miaow’ le chat a fait ‘miaou’ ; wait until the bell goes attends que la cloche sonne ( subj) ; she went like this with her fingers elle a fait comme ça avec ses doigts ; so he goes ‘what about my money ○ ?’ et puis il dit or il fait, ‘et mon argent?’ ;33 (resort to, have recourse to) to go to war [country] entrer en guerre ; [soldier] partir à la guerre ; to go to law GB ou to the law US aller en justice ;34 (break, collapse etc) [roof] s'effondrer ; [cable, rope] se rompre, céder ; ( fuse) [light bulb] griller ;35 (bid, bet) aller ; I'll go as high as £100 j'irai jusqu'à 100 livres sterling ; I went up to £100 je suis allé jusqu'à 100 livres sterling ;36 ( take one's turn) you go next c'est ton tour après, c'est à toi après ; you go first après vous ;37 ( be in harmony) those two colours don't go together ces deux couleurs ne vont pas ensemble ; the curtains don't go with the carpet les rideaux ne vont pas avec le tapis ; white wine goes better with fish than red wine le vin blanc va mieux avec le poisson que le rouge ;38 ○ euph ( relieve oneself) aller aux toilettes ;1 ( travel) we had gone ten miles before we realized that… nous avions déjà fait dix kilomètres quand nous nous sommes rendu compte que… ; are you going my way? tu vas dans la même direction que moi? ; to go one's own way fig suivre son chemin ;2 ○ (bet, bid) I go two diamonds ( in cards) j'annonce deux carreaux ; he went £20 il a mis or parié 20 livres sterling.1 GB ( person's turn) tour m ; ( try) essai m ; it's your go ( in game) c'est ton tour, c'est à toi ; whose go is it? gen à qui le tour? ; ( in game) à qui de jouer? ; you've had two goes ( in game) tu as eu deux tours ; ( two attempts at mending sth) tu as déjà essayé deux fois ; to have a go at sth essayer de faire qch ; have another go! essaie encore une fois or un coup! ; she had several goes at the exam elle a repassé l'examen plusieurs fois ; I had to have several goes before passing j'ai dû m'y reprendre à plusieurs fois avant de réussir ;2 ○ ( energy) dynamisme m ; to be full of go, to be all go être très dynamique, avoir beaucoup d'allant ; he has no go in him il manque de dynamisme ;to have a go at sb s'en prendre à qn ; to make a go of sth réussir qch ; she's always on the go elle n'arrête jamais ; he's all go ○ ! il n'arrête pas! ; it's all the go ○ ! ça fait fureur! ; we have several different projects on the go at the moment nous avons plusieurs projets différents en chantier or en cours en ce moment ; (it's) no go! pas question! ; from the word go dès le départ ; that was a near go ○ ! on l'a échappé belle! ; in one go d'un seul coup ; to go one better than sb renchérir sur qn ; that's how it goes!, that's the way it goes! ainsi va le monde!, c'est la vie! ; there you go ○ ! voilà!■ go about:▶ go about1 = go around ;2 Naut virer de bord ; prepare to go about! parer à virer! ;▶ go about [sth]1 ( undertake) s'attaquer à [task] ; how do you go about writing a novel? comment est-ce que vous vous y prenez pour écrire un roman? ; he knows how to go about it il sait s'y prendre ;2 ( be busy with) to go about one's business vaquer à ses occupations ; she went about her work mechanically elle faisait son travail machinalement.■ go across:▶ go across traverser ; he's gone across to the shop/neighbour's il est allé au magasin en face/chez les voisins en face ;▶ go across [sth] traverser [street, river, bridge etc].■ go after:▶ go after [sth/sb]1 ( chase) poursuivre [person] ;2 fig ( try hard to get) he really went after that job il a fait tout son possible pour avoir ce travail.■ go against:▶ go against [sb/sth]1 ( prove unfavourable to) the vote/verdict/decision went against them le vote/le verdict/la décision leur a été défavorable or n'a pas été en leur faveur ; the war is going against them la guerre tourne à leur désavantage ;2 ( conflict with) être contraire à [rules, principles] ; to go against the trend aller à l'encontre de or être contraire à la tendance ; to go against the party line Pol ne pas être dans la ligne du parti ;3 (resist, oppose) s'opposer à, aller à l'inverse de [person, sb's wishes].■ go ahead1 ( go in front) go ahead, I'll follow you on partez devant, je vous suis ;2 fig ( proceed) go! ( in conversation) continue! ; go ahead and shoot! vas-y, tire! ; they are going ahead with the project ils ont décidé de mettre le projet en route ; we can go ahead without them nous pouvons continuer sans eux ; next week's strike is to go ahead la grève de la semaine prochaine va avoir lieu.■ go along1 ( move along) [person, vehicle] aller, avancer ; to make sth up as one goes along fig inventer qch au fur et à mesure ;2 ( attend) aller ; she went along as a witch elle y est allée déguisée en sorcière ; I went along as a witness j'y suis allé or je me suis présenté comme témoin.▶ go along with [sb/sth] être d'accord avec, accepter [plans, wishes] ; I can't go along with that je ne peux pas accepter ça ; I'll go along with you there je suis d'accord avec vous sur ce point.■ go around:1 (move, travel about) se promener, circuler ; to go around naked/barefoot se promener tout nu/pieds nus ; she goes around on a bicycle elle circule à bicyclette ; they go around everywhere together ils vont partout ensemble ;2 ( circulate) [rumour] courir ; there's a rumour going around that le bruit court que ; there's a virus going around il y a un virus qui traîne ; there isn't enough money to go around il n'y a pas assez d'argent pour tout le monde ;▶ go around [sth] faire le tour de [house, shops, area] ; to go around the world faire le tour du monde ; they went around the country looking for him ils l'ont cherché dans tout le pays.■ go at:▶ go at [sb] ( attack) attaquer, tomber sur ;▶ go at [sth] s'attaquer à, s'atteler à [task, activity].■ go away [person] partir ; to go away on holiday GB ou vacation US partir en vacances ; go away and leave me alone! va-t-en et laisse-moi tranquille! ; go away and think about it réfléchissez-y ; don't go away thinking that ne va pas croire que ; this cold/headache just won't go away! je n'arrive pas à me débarrasser de ce rhume/mal de tête! ; the problems aren't just going to go away! les problèmes ne vont pas disparaître tout seuls!■ go back1 ( return) retourner ; ( turn back) rebrousser chemin, faire demi-tour ; ( resume work) reprendre le travail ; (resume classes, studies) reprendre les cours ; as it was raining, they decided to go back comme il pleuvait, ils ont décidé de faire demi-tour or de rebrousser chemin ; they went back home ils sont rentrés chez eux ; let's go back to France rentrons en France ; to go back to the beginning recommencer ; to go back to sleep se rendormir ; to go back to work/writing se remettre au travail/à écrire ; go back! the path isn't safe reculez! le chemin est dangereux ; once you've committed yourself, there's no going back une fois que vous vous êtes engagé, vous ne pouvez plus reculer ;2 ( in time) remonter ; to go back in time remonter dans le temps ; to understand the problem we need to go back 20 years pour comprendre le problème il faut remonter 20 ans en arrière ; this tradition goes back a century cette tradition est vieille d'un siècle ; we go back a long way ça fait longtemps qu'on se connaît ;3 ( revert) revenir (to à) ; to go back to teaching revenir à l'enseignement ; to go back to being a student reprendre des études ; let's go back to what we were discussing yesterday revenons à ce que dont nous parlions hier.■ go back on:▶ go back on [sth] revenir sur [promise, decision].■ go before:▶ go before ( go in front) aller au devant ; fig ( in time) se passer avant ; all that had gone before tout ce qui s'était passé avant ;▶ go before [sb/sth] [person] comparaître devant [court, judge] ; the bill went before parliament le projet de loi a été soumis au parlement.■ go by:▶ go by [person] passer ; [time] passer, s'écouler ; as time goes by avec le temps ; don't let such opportunities go by il ne faut pas laisser passer de telles occasions ;▶ go by [sth]1 ( judge by) juger d'après ; to go by appearances juger d'après or sur les apparences ; going by her looks, I'd say she was about 30 à la voir, je lui donne 30 ans ; you mustn't go by what you read in the papers il ne faut pas croire tout ce que disent les journaux ; if the trailer is anything to go by, it should be a good film à en juger par la bande-annonce, ça doit être un bon film ; if the father is anything to go by, I wouldn't like to meet the son! quand on voit le père, on n'a pas envie de rencontrer le fils! ;2 ( proceed by) to go by the rules suivre or observer le règlement ; promotion goes by seniority la promotion se fait à l'ancienneté or en fonction de l'ancienneté.■ go down:▶ go down1 ( descend) gen descendre ; [diver] effectuer une plongée ; to go down to the cellar descendre à la cave ; to go down to the beach aller à la plage ; to go down to the pub aller au pub ; they've gone down to Brighton for a few days ils sont allés passer quelques jours à Brighton ; ‘going down!’ ( in elevator) ‘on descend!’ ; to go down on one's knees se mettre à genoux ;2 ( fall) [person, aircraft] tomber ; ( sink) [ship] couler, sombrer ; [person] couler, disparaître sous les flots ; most of the passengers went down with the ship la plupart des passagers ont coulé avec le navire ; the plane went down in flames l'avion s'est écrasé en flammes ; the plane went down over Normandy/the Channel l'avion s'est écrasé en Normandie/est tombé dans la Manche ; to go down for the third time [drowning person] disparaître sous les flots et se noyer ;3 [sun] se coucher ;4 ( be received) to go down well/badly être bien/mal reçu ; this remark didn't go down at all well cette remarque n'a pas été appréciée du tout ; his jokes went down well/didn't go down well with the audience le public a apprécié/n'a pas beaucoup apprécié ses plaisanteries ; another cup of coffee would go down nicely! une autre tasse de café serait la bienvenue! ;5 ( be swallowed) it went down the wrong way c'est passé de travers ;6 ( become lower) [water level, temperature] baisser ; [tide] descendre ; [price, standard] baisser ; ( abate) [storm, wind] se calmer ; [fire] s'éteindre ; the river has/the floods have gone down le niveau de la rivière/des inondations a baissé ; foodstuffs are going down (in price) les produits alimentaires deviennent moins chers ;8 GB Univ ( break up for holiday) terminer les cours ; ( leave university permanently) quitter l'université ; when do you go down? quand est-ce que vous êtes en vacances? ;9 gen, Sport (fail, be defeated) perdre ; ( be downgraded) redescendre ; Corby went down 6-1 to Oxford Corby a perdu 6-1 contre Oxford ; the team has gone down to the second division l'équipe est redescendue en deuxième division ;10 ( be remembered) he will go down as a great statesman on se souviendra de lui comme d'un grand homme d'État ;11 ( be recorded) être noté ; it all goes down in her diary elle note tout dans son journal ;12 ( continue) the book goes down to 1939 le livre va jusqu'en 1939 ; if you go down to the second last line you will see that si vous regardez à l'avant-dernière ligne, vous verrez que ;13 ( be stricken) to go down with flu/malaria attraper la grippe/la malaria ;14 ○ GB ( be sent to prison) être envoyé en prison ;15 Comput [computer, system] tomber en panne ;▶ go down [sth]■ go down on:▶ go down on [sth] ( set) [sun] se coucher sur ; when the sun went down on the Roman Empire fig quand l'empire romain commençait à décliner ;■ go for:▶ go for [sb/sth]1 ○ (favour, have liking for) craquer ○ pour [person, physical type] ; aimer [style of music, literature etc] ; he really goes for blondes il craque ○ pour or il adore les blondes ; I don't go much for modern art je ne suis pas emballé ○ par l'art moderne, je n'aime pas tellement l'art moderne ;2 ( apply to) être valable pour, s'appliquer à ; that goes for all of you! c'est valable pour tout le monde! ; the same goes for him c'est valable pour lui aussi!, ça s'applique à lui aussi! ;▶ go for [sb]1 ( attack) ( physically) attaquer, tomber sur ; ( verbally) attaquer, s'en prendre à [person] ; the two youths went for him les deux jeunes l'ont attaqué or lui ont sauté dessus ; to go for sb's throat [animal] attaquer qn à la gorge ; she really went for him! (in argument, row) elle l'a vraiment incendié!, elle s'en est prise violemment à lui! ;2 he has a lot going for him il a beaucoup de choses pour lui ;▶ go for [sth]1 ( attempt to achieve) essayer d'obtenir [honour, victory] ; she's going for the gold medal/world record elle vise la médaille d'or/le record mondial ; go for it ○ ! vas-y, fonce ○ ! ; the company is going for a new image l'entreprise cherche à se donner une nouvelle image ; the team is going for a win against Italy l'équipe compte bien gagner contre l'Italie ;2 ( choose) choisir, prendre ; I'll go for the blue one je prendrai le bleu.■ go forth sout [person] ( go out) sortir ; ( go forward) aller, avancer ; go forth and multiply allez et multipliez-vous.■ go forward(s) avancer.■ go in1 ( enter) entrer ; ( go back in) rentrer ;3 ( disappear) [sun, moon] se cacher.■ go in for:▶ go in for [sth]1 ( be keen on) aimer [sport, hobby etc] ; I don't go in for sports much je n'aime pas tellement le sport ; he goes in for opera in a big way il adore l'opéra, c'est un fou d'opéra ○ ; we don't go in for that sort of thing nous n'aimons pas ce genre de chose ; they don't go in much for foreign languages at Ben's school ils ne s'intéressent pas beaucoup aux langues étrangères dans l'école de Ben ;2 ( take up) to go in for teaching entrer dans l'enseignement ; to go in for politics se lancer dans la politique ;3 ( take part in) s'inscrire à [exam, competition].■ go into:▶ go into [sth]1 ( enter) entrer dans ; fig ( take up) se lancer dans ; to go into hospital entrer à l'hôpital ; to go into parliament entrer au parlement ; to go into politics/business se lancer dans la politique/les affaires ;2 (examine, investigate) étudier ; we need to go into the question of funding il faut que nous étudiions la question du financement ;3 (explain, describe) I won't go into why I did it je n'expliquerai pas pourquoi je l'ai fait ; let's not go into that now laissons cela de côté pour l'instant ;4 ( launch into) se lancer dans ; she went into a long explanation of what had happened elle s'est lancée dans une longue explication de ce qui s'était passé ;5 ( be expended) a lot of work/money went into this project beaucoup de travail/d'argent a été investi dans ce projet ; a lot of effort went into organizing the party l'organisation de la soirée a demandé beaucoup de travail ;6 ( hit) [car, driver] rentrer dans, heurter ; the car went into a lamp post la voiture est rentrée dans or a heurté un réverbère.■ go in with:▶ go in with [sb] se joindre à [person, ally, organization] ; he went in with us to buy the present il s'est mis avec nous pour acheter le cadeau.■ go off:▶ go off2 [alarm clock] sonner ; [fire alarm] se déclencher ;3 ( depart) partir, s'en aller ; he went off to work il est parti au travail ; she went off to find a spade elle est allée chercher une pelle ; they went off together ils sont partis ensemble ;4 GB ( go bad) [milk, cream] tourner ; [meat] s'avarier ; [butter] rancir ; ( deteriorate) [performer, athlete etc] perdre sa forme ; [work] se dégrader ; ( lose one's attractiveness) [person] être moins beau/belle qu'avant ; he used to be very handsome, but he's gone off a bit il était très beau, mais il est moins bien maintenant ; the first part of the film was good, but after that it went off la première partie du film était bien, mais après ça s'est dégradé ;5 ○ ( fall asleep) s'endormir ;6 ( cease to operate) [lights, heating] s'éteindre ;7 (happen, take place) [evening, organized event] se passer ; the concert went off very well le concert s'est très bien passé ;8 Theat quitter la scène ;▶ go off [sb/sth] GB I used to like him but I've gone off him je l'aimais bien avant, mais je ne l'aime plus tellement ; I've gone off opera/whisky je n'aime plus tellement l'opéra/le whisky ; I think she's gone off the idea je crois qu'elle a renoncé à l'idée.■ go off with:▶ go off with [sb/sth] partir avec [person, money] ; she went off with all his money elle est partie avec tout son argent ; who's gone off with my pen? qui a pris mon stylo?■ go on:▶ go on1 (happen, take place) se passer ; what's going on? qu'est-ce qui se passe? ; there's a party going on upstairs il y a une fête en haut ; how long has this been going on? depuis combien de temps est-ce que ça dure? ; a lot of stealing goes on il y a beaucoup de vols ; a lot of drinking goes on at Christmas time les gens boivent beaucoup à Noël ;2 ( continue on one's way) poursuivre son chemin ;3 ( continue) continuer ; go on with your work continuez votre travail, continuez de travailler ; go on looking continuez à or de chercher ; she went on speaking elle a continué de parler ; go on, we're all listening! continue, nous t'écoutons tous! ; ‘and another thing,’ she went on, ‘you're always late’ ‘et autre chose,’ a-t-elle ajouté, ‘vous êtes toujours en retard’ ; if he goes on like this, he'll get into trouble! s'il continue comme ça, il va s'attirer des ennuis ; we can't go on like this! nous ne pouvons pas continuer comme ça! ; life must go on la vie continue ; the meeting went on into the afternoon la réunion s'est prolongée jusque dans l'après-midi ; you can't go on being a pen pusher all your life! tu ne peux pas rester gratte-papier toute ta vie! ; the list goes on and on la liste est infinie or interminable ; that's enough to be going on with ça suffit pour le moment ; have you got enough work to be going on with? est-ce que tu as assez de travail pour le moment? ; here's £20 to be going on with voici 20 livres pour te dépanner ; go on (with you) ○ ! allons donc! ;4 ( of time) ( elapse) as time went on, they… avec le temps, ils… ; as the evening went on, he became more animated au fur et à mesure que la soirée avançait, il devenait plus animé ;5 ( keep talking) to go on about sth ne pas arrêter de parler de qch, parler de qch à n'en plus finir ; he was going on about the war il parlait de la guerre à n'en plus finir ; don't go on about it! arrête de parler de ça!, change de disque! ; she went on and on about it elle en a fait toute une histoire ; he does tend to go on a bit! il a tendance à radoter ○ ! ; the way she goes on, you'd think she was an expert on the subject! à l'entendre, on croirait qu'elle est experte en la matière! ;6 ( proceed) passer ; let's go on to the next item passons au point suivant ; he went on to say that/describe how puis il a dit que/décrit comment ;7 ( go into operation) [heating, lights] s'allumer ;8 Theat entrer en scène ; what time do you go on? à quelle heure est-ce que vous entrez en scène? ;9 ( approach) it's going on three o'clock il est presque trois heures ; she's four going on five elle va sur ses cinq ans ; he's thirty going on three hum il a trente ans mais il pourrait bien en avoir trois ;10 ( fit) these gloves won't go on ces gants ne m'iront pas ; the lid won't go on properly le couvercle ne ferme pas bien ;▶ go on [sth] se fonder sur [piece of evidence, information] ; that's all we've got to go on tout ce que nous savons avec certitude ; we've got nothing else to go on nous n'avons pas d'autre point de départ ; the police haven't got much evidence to go on la police n'a pas beaucoup de preuves à l'appui.■ go on at:▶ go on at [sb] s'en prendre à [person] ; he's always going on at me for writing badly il s'en prend toujours à moi à cause de ma mauvaise écriture ; they're always going on at us about deadlines ils sont toujours sur notre dos pour des histoires de délais.■ go out1 (leave, depart) sortir ; she went out of the room elle a quitté la pièce, elle est sortie de la pièce ; to go out walking aller se promener ; to go out for a drink aller prendre un verre ; they go out a lot ils sortent beaucoup ; she likes going out elle aime sortir ; she had to go out to work at 14 il a fallu qu'elle aille travailler à 14 ans ;2 ( travel long distance) partir (to à, pour) ; she's gone out to Australia/Africa elle est partie pour l'Australie/l'Afrique ;3 ( have relationship) to go out with sb sortir avec qn ; they've been going out together for six weeks ils sortent ensemble depuis six semaines ;4 [tide] descendre ; the tide is going out la marée descend, la mer se retire ;5 Ind ( go on strike) se mettre en grève ;6 ( become unfashionable) passer de mode ; ( no longer be used) ne plus être utilisé ; mini-skirts went out in the 1970s les mini-jupes ont passé de mode dans les années 70 ; gas went out and electricity came in l'électricité a remplacé le gaz ;7 ( be extinguished) [fire, light] s'éteindre ;8 ( be sent) [invitation, summons] être envoyé ; ( be published) [journal, magazine] être publié ; Radio, TV ( be broadcast) être diffusé ;9 ( be announced) word went out that he was coming back le bruit a couru qu'il revenait ; the news went out from Washington that Washington a annoncé que ;10 ( be eliminated) gen, Sport être éliminé ; she went out in the early stages of the competition elle a été éliminée au début de la compétition ;11 (expressing compassion, sympathy) my heart goes out to them je les plains de tout mon cœur, je suis de tout cœur avec eux ; our thoughts go out to absent friends nos pensées vont vers nos amis absents ;12 ( disappear) all the spirit seemed to have gone out of her elle semblait avoir perdu tout son entrain ; the romance seemed to have gone out of their relationship leur relation semblait avoir perdu tout son charme ;13 ( end) [year, month] se terminer ;14 ( in cards) terminer.■ go over:▶ go over1 ( cross over) aller ; she went over to him/to the window elle est allée vers lui/vers la fenêtre, elle s'est approchée de lui/de la fenêtre ; to go over to Ireland/to America aller en Irlande/aux États-Unis ; we are now going over to Washington for more news Radio, TV nous passons maintenant l'antenne à Washington pour plus d'informations ;2 ( be received) how did his speech go over? comment est-ce que son discours a été reçu? ; his speech went over well son discours a été bien reçu ; to go over big ○ avoir un grand succès ;3 ( switch over) he went over to Labour from the Conservatives il est passé du parti des conservateurs au parti des travaillistes ; to go over to the other side fig passer dans l'autre camp ; we've gone over to gas (central heating) nous sommes passés au chauffage central au gaz ; to go over to Islam se convertir à l'Islam ;▶ go over [sth]1 ( review) passer [qch] en revue [details] ; she went over the events of the day in her mind elle a passé en revue les événements de la journée ; we've gone over the details again and again nous avons déjà passé les détails en revue mille fois ; to go over one's lines ( actor) répéter son texte ; there's no point in going over old ground il n'y a aucune raison de revenir là-dessus ;2 (check, inspect) vérifier [accounts, figures] ; revoir [facts, piece of work] ; I want to go over this article once more before I hand it in je veux relire cet article une dernière fois avant de le remettre ; to go over a house faire le tour d'une maison ;3 ( clean) he went over the room with a duster il a donné un coup de chiffon dans la pièce ; after cleaning, go over the surface with a dry cloth après l'avoir nettoyée, essuyez la surface avec un chiffon sec or passez un chiffon sec sur la surface ;4 to go over a sketch in ink repasser un dessin à l'encre ;5 ( exceed) dépasser ; don't go over £100 ne dépassez pas 100 livres sterling.■ go round GB:▶ go round1 ( turn) [wheel, propeller etc] tourner ; the wheels went round and round les roues n'ont pas arrêté de tourner ; my head's going round j'ai la tête qui tourne ;2 ( call round) to go round to see sb aller voir qn ; he's gone round to Anna's il est allé chez Anna ;3 ( suffice) there isn't enough food/money to go round il n'y a pas assez de nourriture/d'argent pour tout le monde ; there was barely enough to go round il y en avait à peine assez pour tout le monde ;4 ( circulate) there's a rumour going round that le bruit court que ;5 ( make detour) faire un détour ; we had to go round the long way ou the long way round il a fallu qu'on prenne un chemin plus long ; I had to go round by the bridge il a fallu que je passe par or que je fasse un détour par le pont ;■ go through:1 ( come in) entrer ; if you'll just go (on) through, I'll tell them you're here si vous voulez bien entrer, je vais leur dire que vous êtes arrivé ;2 ( be approved) [law, agreement] passer ; the law failed to go through la loi n'est pas passée ; the divorce hasn't gone through yet le divorce n'a pas encore été prononcé ;3 ( be successfully completed) [business deal] être conclu ;▶ go through [sth]1 ( undergo) endurer, subir [experience, ordeal] ; ( pass through) passer par [stage, phase] ; in spite of all he's gone through malgré tout ce qu'il a enduré ; we've all gone through it nous sommes tous passés par là ; she's gone through a lot elle a beaucoup souffert ; he went through the day in a kind of daze toute la journée il a été dans un état second ; the country has gone through two civil wars le pays a connu deux guerres civiles ; to go through a crisis traverser une crise ; as you go through life au fur et à mesure que tu vieillis, en vieillissant ; you have to go through the switchboard/right authorities il faut passer par le standard/les autorités compétentes ; it went through my mind that l'idée m'a traversé l'esprit que ;2 (check, inspect) examiner, étudier ; ( rapidly) parcourir [documents, files, list] ; to go through one's mail parcourir son courrier ; let's go through the points one by one étudions or examinons les problèmes un par un ;3 ( search) fouiller [person's belongings, baggage] ; to go through sb's pockets/drawers fouiller dans les poches/tiroirs de qn ; at customs they went through all my things à la douane ils ont fouillé toutes mes affaires ;4 (perform, rehearse) répéter [scene] ; expliquer [procedure] ; let's go through the whole scene once more répétons or reprenons toute la scène une dernière fois ; there are still a certain number of formalities to be gone through il y a encore un certain nombre de formalités à remplir ; I went through the whole procedure with him je lui ai expliqué comment il fallait procéder en détail ;5 (consume, use up) dépenser [money] ; we went through three bottles of wine nous avons bu or descendu ○ trois bouteilles de vin ; I've gone through the elbows of my jacket j'ai usé ma veste aux coudes.▶ go through with [sth] réaliser, mettre [qch] à exécution [plan] ; in the end they decided to go through with the wedding finalement ils ont décidé de se marier ; I can't go through with it je ne peux pas le faire ; you'll have to go through with it now il va falloir que tu le fasses maintenant.1 ( harmonize) [colours, pieces of furniture etc] aller ensemble ; these colours don't go together ces couleurs ne vont pas ensemble ;2 ( entail each other) aller de pair ; poverty and crime often go together la pauvreté et le crime vont souvent de pair ;3 ○ †( have relationship) [couple] sortir ensemble.■ go under1 [boat, ship] couler, sombrer ; [drowning person] couler, disparaître sous les flots ;■ go up:▶ go up1 ( ascend) monter ; to go up to bed monter se coucher ; they've gone up to London ils sont allés or montés à Londres ; they've gone up to Scotland ils sont allés en Écosse ; ‘going up!’ ( in elevator) ‘on monte!’ ;2 ( rise) [price, temperature] monter ; Theat [curtain] se lever (on sur) ; petrol has gone up (in price) (le prix de) l'essence a augmenté ; unemployment is going up le chômage augmente or est en hausse ; our membership has gone up le nombre de nos adhérents a augmenté ; a cry went up from the crowd un cri est monté or s'est élevé de la foule ;3 ( be erected) [building] être construit ; [poster] être affiché ; new office blocks are going up all over the place on construit de nouveaux immeubles un peu partout ;4 (be destroyed, blown up) [building] sauter, exploser ;6 ( be upgraded) the team has gone up to the first division l'équipe est passée en première division ;7 ( continue) the book/series goes up to 1990 le livre/la série va jusqu'en 1990 ;▶ go up [sth]1 ( mount) monter, gravir [hill, mountain] ;2 to go up a class Sch passer dans une classe supérieure.■ go with:▶ go with [sth]1 (match, suit) aller avec ; your shirt goes with your blue eyes ta chemise va bien avec tes yeux bleus ; white wine goes better with fish than red wine le vin blanc va mieux avec le poisson que le rouge ;2 ( accompany) aller de pair avec ; the car goes with the job la voiture va de pair avec la situation ; the responsibilities that go with parenthood les responsabilités qui vont de pair avec le fait d'être parent ;■ go without:▶ go without s'en passer ; you'll just have to go without! il va falloir que tu t'en passes!, il va falloir que tu fasses sans! ;▶ go without [sth] se passer de [food, luxuries]. -
5 salir
v.1 to go out (ir fuera).¡sal aquí fuera! come out here!salir de to go/come out of¿salimos al jardín? shall we go out into the garden?Yo salí I went out.2 to go out (ser novios).están saliendo they are going out (together)3 to turn out.ha salido muy estudioso he has turned out to be very studious¿qué salió en la votación? what was the result of the vote?salir elegida actriz del año to be voted actress of the yearsalir premiado to be awarded a prizesalir bien/mal to turn out well/badlysalir ganando/perdiendo to come off well/badlyme ha salido mal it didn't go very well; (examen, entrevista) it didn't turn out very well; (plato, dibujo) I got the wrong result (cuenta)¿qué tal te ha salido? how did it go?4 to go out.salen mucho a cenar they eat out a lot5 to come out (surgir) (luna, estrellas, planta).le ha salido un sarpullido en la espalda her back has come out in a rashEl plan me salió mal The plan came out bad.6 to come out (aparecer) (publicación, producto, traumas).¡qué bien sales en la foto! you look great in the photo!ha salido en los periódicos/en la tele it's been in the papers/on TVsalir de (Cine & Teatro) to appear as7 to come up.8 to turn up, to come along (presentarse) (ocasión, oportunidad).9 to work out.10 to lead.te toca salir a ti it's your lead11 to come out.la mancha de vino no sale the wine stain won't come out12 to get out, to escape.Me salió una espinilla I got a pimple.13 to slip out.Se me salió una imprudencia Something improper slipped out.14 to get away.El chico salió The boy got away.15 to step out, to pull out, to step outside.Ellos salieron con dificultad They pulled out with difficulty.16 to come up against, to encounter.Nos salió un problema We encountered a problem [came up against a problem]17 to be out, to come out.La luna sale a veces The moon comes out sometimes.18 to appear to.Nos salió un fantasma A ghost appeared to us.19 to work out for.20 to match.* * *Present Indicativesalgo, sales, sale, salimos, salís, salen.Future IndicativeConditionalPresent SubjunctiveImperative* * *verb1) to go out, get out2) depart, leave3) come out, appear4) turn out5) become, be elected•- salir a* * *Para las expresiones salir adelante, salir ganando, salir perdiendo, salir de viaje, ver la otra entrada.1. VERBO INTRANSITIVO1) (=partir) [persona] to leave; [transportes] to leave, depart frm; (Náut) to leave, sail•
salir [de] — to leave¿a qué hora sales de la oficina? — what time do you leave the office?
salir [para] — to set off for2) (=no entrar) (=ir fuera) to go out; (=venir fuera) to come out; [a divertirse] to go outsalió a la calle a ver si venían — she went outside {o} she went out into the street to see if they were coming
-¿está Juan? -no, ha salido — "is Juan in?" - "no, I'm afraid he's gone out"
¿vas a salir esta noche? — are you going out tonight?
la pelota salió fuera — (Ftbl) the ball went out (of play)
salió [corriendo] (del cuarto) — he ran out (of the room)•
salir [de], nos la encontramos al salir del cine — we bumped into her when we were coming out of the cinema¿de dónde has salido? — where did you appear {o} spring from?
salir de [paseo] — to go out for a walksalir de pobre —
3) [al mercado] [revista, libro, disco] to come out; [moda] to come inacaba de salir un disco suyo — an album of his has just come out {o} been released
4) [en medios de comunicación]la noticia salió en el periódico de ayer — the news was {o} appeared in yesterday's paper
salir por la televisión — to be {o} appear on TV
5) (=surgir) to come upcuando salga la ocasión — when the opportunity comes up {o} arises
¡ya salió aquello! — we know all about that!
salirle algo a algn: le ha salido novio/un trabajo — she's got herself a boyfriend/a job
6) (=aparecer) [agua] to come out; [sol] to come out; [mancha] to appear7) (=nacer) [diente] to come through; [planta, sol] to come up; [pelo] to grow; [pollito] to hatch8) (=quitarse) [mancha] to come out, come offel anillo no le sale del dedo — the ring won't come off her finger, she can't get the ring off her finger
9) (=costar)•
salir [a], sale a ocho euros el kilo — it works out at eight euros a kilosalimos a 10 libras por persona — it works out at £10 each
salir [por], me salió por 1.000 pesos — it cost me 1,000 pesos10) (=resultar)¿cómo salió la representación? — how did the performance go?
¿qué número ha salido premiado en la lotería? — what was the winning number in the lottery?
tenemos que aceptarlo, salga lo que salga — we have to accept it, whatever happens
salir [bien], el plan salió bien — the plan worked out well¿salió bien la fiesta? — did the party go well?
¿cómo te salió el examen? — how did your exam go?
salir [mal], salió muy mal del tratamiento — the treatment wasn't at all successful¡qué mal me ha salido el dibujo! — oh dear! my drawing hasn't come out very well!
11)salirle algo a algn —
a) (=poder resolverse)he intentado resolver el problema pero no me sale — I've tried to solve the problem but I just can't do it
b) (=resultar natural)c) (=poder recordarse)12)• salir [a] — [calle] to come out in, lead to
esta calle sale a la plaza — this street comes out in {o} leads to the square
13)• salir [a] algn — (=parecerse) to take after sb
14)• salir [con] algn — to go out with sb
15)• salir [con] algo — [al hablar] to come out with sth
16)• salir [de] — [proceder] to come from
17)• salir [por] algn — (=defender) to come out in defence of sb, stick up for sb; [económicamente] to back sb financially
cuando hubo problemas, salió por mí — when there were problems, she stuck up for me {o} came out in my defence
18) (Teat) to come on"sale el rey" — [acotación] "enter the king"
19) (=empezar) (Dep) to start; (Ajedrez) to have first move; (Naipes) to lead20) (Inform) to exit21) (=sobresalir) to stick out22) (=pagar)salir a los gastos de algn — to meet {o} pay sb's expenses
2.See:SALIR Para precisar la forma de salir Aunque salir (de ) se suele traducir por come out (of ) o por go out (of) según la dirección del movimiento, cuando se quiere especificar la forma en que se realiza ese movimiento, estos verbos se pueden reemplazar por otros como run out, rush out, jump out, tiptoe out, climb out {etc}: Se vio a tres hombres enmascarados salir del banco corriendo Three masked men were seen running out of the bank Salió del coche con un salto He jumped out of the car Salió de puntillas de la habitación He tiptoed out of the room Para otros usos y ejemplos ver la entrada* * *1.verbo intransitivo1) ( partir) to leave¿a qué hora sale tu tren/tu vuelo? — what time is your train/flight?
salió corriendo or disparada — (fam) she was off like a shot (colloq)
¿de qué andén sale el tren? — what platform does the train leave from?
2) ( al exterior - acercándose al hablante) to come out; (- alejándose del hablante) to go outno puedo salir, me he quedado encerrado — I can't get out, I'm trapped in here
salir de algo — to come out/get out of something
¿tú de dónde has salido? — where have you sprung from?
¿de dónde salió este dinero? — where did this money come from?
salió por la puerta de atrás — he went out o left by the back door
salir a algo: salieron al balcón/al jardín they went out onto the balcony/into the garden; salir a + inf to go out/come out to + inf; ¿sales a jugar? are you coming out to play?; salió a hacer las compras — she's gone out (to do the) shopping
3) ( habiendo terminado algo) to leaveno salgo de trabajar hasta las siete — I don't finish o leave work until seven
¿a qué hora sales de clase? — what time do you get out of class o finish your class?
¿cuándo sale del hospital? — when is he coming out of (the) hospital?
4)a) ( como entretenimiento) to go outb) ( tener una relación) to go out¿estás saliendo con alguien? — are you going out with anyone?
5) (a calle, carretera)¿por aquí se sale a la carretera? — can I get on to the road this way?
¿esta calle sale al Paseo Colón? — does this street come out onto the Paseo Colón?
6) clavo/tapón to come out; anillo to come off7) (aparecer, manifestarse)a) cana/sarpullido to appear; (+ me/te/le etc)me salieron granos — I broke out o (BrE) come out in spots
¿te sale sangre? — are you bleeding o is it bleeding?
b) sol ( por la mañana) to rise, come up; ( de detrás de una nube) to come outc) ( surgir) tema/idea to come upyo no se lo pedí, salió de él — I didn't ask him to do it, it was his idea o he offered
ya salió aquello — you (o he etc) had to bring that up; (+ me/te/le etc)
le salió así, espontáneamente — he just came out with it quite spontaneously
me salió en alemán — it came o I said it in German
¿ha salido ya el 15? — have they called number 15 yet?
8)a) ( tocar en suerte) (+ me/te/le etc)b) ( en un reparto)10)a) revista/novela to come out; disco to come out, be releasedb) (en televisión, el periódico) to appearsalió por or en (la) televisión — she was o appeared on television
c) ( en una foto) to appear; (+ compl)d) ( desempeñando un papel)sale de pastor — he plays o he is a shepherd
11) (expresando irritación, sorpresa)salir con algo: mira con qué sale éste ahora! did you hear what he just said?; no me salgas ahora con eso — don't give me that (colloq)
12) ( expresando logro) (+ me/te/le etc)¿te salió el crucigrama? — did you finish the crossword?
ahora mismo no me sale su nombre — (fam) I can't think of her name right now
13) ( resultar)¿a ti te da 40? a mí me sale 42 — how do you get 40? I make it 42; (+ compl)
las cosas salieron bien — things turned out o worked out well
sale muy caro — it works out o is very expensive
¿qué número salió premiado? — what was the winning number?
salir bien/mal en un examen — (Chi fam) to pass/fail an exam; (+ me/te/le etc)
no lo hagas deprisa que te va a salir todo mal — don't try to do it too quickly, you'll do it all wrong
¿cómo te salió el examen? — how did you get on o do in the exam?
14) (de situación, estado)salir de algo: para salir del apuro in order to get out of an awkward situation; está muy mal, no sé si saldrá de ésta she's very ill, I don't know if she'll pull through; no sé cómo vamos a salir de ésta I don't know how we're going to get out of this one; me ayudó a salir de la depresión he helped me get over my depression; (+ compl) salió bien de la operación she came through the operation well; salieron ilesos del accidente they were not hurt in the accident; salió airosa del trance she came through it with flying colors; salir adelante negocio to stay afloat, survive; propuesta to prosper; fue una época muy dura, pero lograron salir adelante — it was a difficult period but they managed to get through it
15) ( con preposición)a) salir a ( parecerse a) to take afterb) salir con (Col) ( combinar con) to go withc) salir de (Col, Ven) ( deshacerse de) to get rid of2.salirse v pron1)a) (de recipiente, límite)cierra el grifo, que se va a salir el agua — turn off the faucet (AmE) o (BrE) tap, the water's going to overflow
salirse de algo: el camión se salió de la carretera the truck came/went off the road; el río se salió de su cauce the river overflowed its banks; la pelota se salió del campo de juego the ball went into touch o out of play; procura no salirte del presupuesto try to keep within the budget; te estás saliendo del tema — you're getting off the point
b) (por orificio, grieta) agua/tinta to leak (out), come out; gas to escape, come outsalirse de algo: se está saliendo el aire del neumático the air's coming o leaking out of the tire; se me salió el hilo de la aguja — the needle's come unthreaded
c) (Chi, Méx) pluma/recipiente to leak2) ( soltarse) to come off; (+ me/te/le etc)se le salían los ojos de las órbitas — his eyes were popping out of his head
3) ( irse) to leavesalirse de algo — de asociación to leave something
salirse con la suya — to get one's (own) way
* * *= come out, debouch, depart, exit, go out of, make + departure, march off, quit, take + departure, leave, issue out, start out, go out and about, go out, pop, head out, socialise [socialize, -USA], be out and about, get out and about, go forth.Ex. Maybe it's the frustrated library school professor in him crying to come out -- whatever it is, give him a chance to show you what he knows.Ex. As they debouched into the street and hurried back to the library, Jergens thanked Meek for being someone she could share her concerns with.Ex. He smiled again, waved goodbye, and departed.Ex. Enter the lesson number you wish, or press the letter 'X' to exit the tutorial.Ex. In all 20 per cent of visitors went out of the bookshop with a book they had intended to buy, 15 per cent went out with a book they had not intended to buy and 67 went out with both intended and unintended purchases.Ex. Before making his departure, however, a few hints upon the methods of examining bibliographic compilations are necessary.Ex. Do not march off full-tilt in front of the readers.Ex. If you decide not to send or save the message, replace the question mark in front of ' Quit' with another character.Ex. 'Do you ever let anyone leave without inspecting their bags?' Carpozzi asked as she sidled up to the checker.Ex. He bade her good day and issued out into the street.Ex. He went back into the house, addressing his Maker in low agonized tones, changed, and started out again.Ex. Thursday 22 August is your opportunity to go out and about - seeing at first hand the great variety of library and information centres located in the Central Belt of Scotland.Ex. They decided one day to take it upon themselves without his knowledge to go out and solicit funds from some of the large corn processors and farm equipment manufacturers.Ex. The azaleas are popping, the redbuds are in their finest attire, and the dogwoods are lacy jewels at the edge of the wood.Ex. It's tempting to splurge on a new hi-fi system or head out on a shopping spree, but the smart option might be to pay off an existing debt.Ex. She is married and has a family, but does not spend much time in the director's office or socialize with her.Ex. But if you' re out and about like I am, here's where I'll be over the next few nights, and feel free to say hi if you're going to be in the same area.Ex. Use the links below for ideas to get out and about.Ex. Finally six men agreed to go forth in their underclothes and nooses around their necks in hopeful expectation that their sacrifice would satisfy the king's bloodlust and he would spare the rest of the citizens.----* acabar de salir de = be fresh out of.* a lo que salga = come what may.* a veces las cosas salen mal = shit happens.* a veces sales jodido = shit happens.* aventurarse a salir = venture forth.* ayudar a Alguien a salir adelante = help + Nombre + get on + Posesivo + feet.* cosas + salir bien = things + work out.* dejar que Alguien se salga con la suya = let + Nombre + do things + Posesivo + (own) way.* entrar y salir = come and go, drift in and out, wander in and out, go into and out of.* entrar y salir corriendo = run in and out.* estar saliendo con alguien = be in a dating relationship.* evitar que + salir = keep + Nombre + in.* hacer salir = push out, flush out.* imposibilitado para salir de casa = housebound [house-bound], homebound [home-bound].* invitar a Alguien a salir = ask + Nombre + out.* invitar a salir = take + Nombre + out.* no salir mal parado por = be none the worse for (that), be none the worse for wear.* obligar a salir = drive out + with a pitchfork, push out.* obligar a salir de = force from.* personas que no pueden salir de casa = homebound, the.* por un lado entra + Nombre + y por otro sale + Nombre = in go + Nombre + at one end, and out come + Nombre + at the other.* que puede salir en préstamo = loanable.* salir a = propagate out to, crash to, be out to.* salir a borbotones = gush out, spurt.* salir a chorros = gush out, spurt.* salir a comer = eat out.* salir a dar una vuelta = go out.* salir a dar una vuelta en coche = go out for + a drive.* salir a dar un paseo = go out for + a walk.* salir adelante = make + ends meet, keep + the wolves from the door, get + unstuck.* salir adelante a duras penas = eke out + a living, scratch (out) + a living, scrape + a living, eke out + an existence.* salir adelante en la vida, = get on in + life.* salir adelante por uno mismo = pull + Reflexivo + up(wards) by + Posesivo + (own) bootstraps.* salir adelante sin la ayuda de nadie = pull + Reflexivo + up(wards) by + Posesivo + (own) bootstraps.* salir a echarse un cigarro = go out for + a smoke.* salir a flote = make + ends meet.* salir a fumarse un cigarro = go out for + a smoke.* salir a hurtadillas = steal away.* salir airoso = pass + muster, pass with + flying colours.* salir airoso de = ride out.* salir a la calle = go out, hit + the streets.* salir a la calle en avalancha = spill (out) into + the streets.* salir a la luz = come to + light, go + live.* salir a la palestra = come out in + the open.* salir a las mil maravillas = work + a treat, come up + a treat, go down + a treat.* salir a la superficie = surface.* salir ampollas = blister.* salir a pasear en coche = go out for + a drive.* salir a pedir de boca = come up + roses, go off without + a hitch.* salir apresuradamente = dash off, shoot off.* salir a subasta = come up for + auction.* salir a toda prisa = make + a hasty exit.* salir a tomar una copa = go out for + a drink.* salir bien = go + well.* salir bien al final = turn out + right in the end.* salir bramando = roar out of.* salir con estupideces = talk + nonsense.* salir corriendo = leg it, run off, run away, bolt, make + a bolt for, dash off, take off, shoot off, take off + running, take to + Posesivo + heels.* salir corriendo a la calle = run into + the street.* salir de = get out of, walk out of, climb out of, break out of, break through, strike out from.* salir de casa = leave + home.* salir de copas = go out for + a drink.* salir de donde menos Uno se lo espera = come out of + the woodwork.* salir de fiesta = party.* salir de Guatemala para meterse en Guatapeor = out of the fire and into the frying pan.* salir de jarana = paint + the town red, go out on + the town.* salir de juerga = go out + boozing, paint + the town red, go out on + the town.* salir de la cárcel = release from + jail.* salir de la miseria = haul + Reflexivo + out of + Posesivo + bog.* salir del armario = come out of + the closet.* salir de la rutina tradicional = break out of + the traditional mould.* salir de la situación = extricate + Reflexivo.* salir del cascarón = come out of + Posesivo + shell.* salir del círculo = break out of + circle.* salir del trabajo = clock off + work.* salir de marcha = paint + the town red, party, go out on + the town.* salir de nuevo = come back out.* salir de parranda = go out + boozing, paint + the town red, go out on + the town.* salir de paseo = go out for + a walk.* salir de paseo en coche = go out for + a drive.* salir de perlas = come up + a treat, go down + a treat.* salir de + Posesivo + escondite = raise + Posesivo + head above the parapet.* salir de + Posesivo + refugio = raise + Posesivo + head above the parapet.* salir de quién sabe dónde = come out of + the woodwork.* salir desapercibido = sneak out of.* salir desde = set out from.* salir de una situación difícil = haul + Reflexivo + out of + Posesivo + bog.* salir de un impás = circumvent + impasse.* salir disparado = bolt, make + a bolt for, shoot off, dash off, take to + Posesivo + heels, run off.* salir disparado de = shoot out of.* salir echando leches = bolt, take off, make + a bolt for, dash off, shoot off.* salir el tiro por la culata = backfire, misfire.* salir en desbandada = stampede.* salir en estampida = stampede.* salir en forma radial de = radiate from.* salir enojado dando zapatazos = stomp out of.* salir en pareja con = date.* salir en tropel = stampede.* salir escaldado = get + the rough edge of + Posesivo + tongue.* salir fatal = go + pear-shaped.* salir fuera = be out and about, get out and about.* salir ganando = make + a profit, win, compare + favourably, be better off, win + the day, win out, be better served by, come out on + top.* salir grietas = develop + cracks.* salir horriblemente mal = go + horribly wrong.* salir huyendo = make off, do + a bunk.* salir ileso = escape + injury, leave without + a scratch.* salir impune = get away with it, get away with + murder, get away + scot-free.* salir inadvertidamente = sneak out of.* salir juntos = be an item.* salir los dientes = cut + Posesivo + teeth.* salir mal = go + wrong, go + awry, misfire, backfire.* salir malparado = get + the rough edge of + Posesivo + tongue.* salir perdiendo = victimise [victimize, -USA], come off + worst, lose out, compare + unfavourably, lose + neck, be a little worse off.* salir perjudicado = pay + the price, pay + the penalty.* salir pitando = take off, bolt, make + a bolt for, dash off, shoot off, take to + Posesivo + heels, run off.* salir por los cerros de Ubeda = go off on + a tangent, go off at + a tangent, fly off on + a tangent.* salir por piernas = make + a hasty exit.* salir por pies = take off + running, leg it, take to + Posesivo + heels, run off.* salir resueltamente = sally forth.* salir rugiendo = roar out of.* salir sangre = draw + blood.* salirse con la de Uno = have + Posesivo + way (with), get away with it.* salirse con las de Uno = get + Posesivo + (own) way, have + Posesivo + own way, get away with + murder, get away + scot-free.* salirse de = depart from, opt out of, step out of, spill out of.* salirse de convencionalismos = think out(side) + (of) the box.* salirse de la carretera = go off + the road.* salirse del molde = think out(side) + (of) the box.* salir según lo planeado = go off + as planned.* salir según lo previsto = go off + as planned.* salirse por la tangente = go off + the track, get off + the track, fly off on + a tangent, go off on + a tangent, go off at + a tangent, wander off + track, wander off + topic.* salir sigilosamente = steal away, slither out of.* salir sin ganar ni perder = break + even.* salir sin ser visto = sneak out of, slip out, steal away.* salir sin un rasguño = leave without + a scratch.* salir sobre ruedas = go off without + a hitch.* salir todo bien = land on + Posesivo + (own two) feet.* salir todo redondo = land on + Posesivo + (own two) feet.* salir una gotera = spring + a leak.* salir un momento a = pop down to.* salir un poco perjudicado = be a little worse prepared, be a little worse off.* salir volando = bolt, make + a bolt for, dash off, shoot off.* salir y caer = fall out (of).* salir zumbando = bolt, make + a bolt for.* si no aguantas el calor, sal de la cocina = if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.* sol + salir por = sun + rise on.* volver a salir = come back out.* volver a salir a la superficie = resurface.* * *1.verbo intransitivo1) ( partir) to leave¿a qué hora sale tu tren/tu vuelo? — what time is your train/flight?
salió corriendo or disparada — (fam) she was off like a shot (colloq)
¿de qué andén sale el tren? — what platform does the train leave from?
2) ( al exterior - acercándose al hablante) to come out; (- alejándose del hablante) to go outno puedo salir, me he quedado encerrado — I can't get out, I'm trapped in here
salir de algo — to come out/get out of something
¿tú de dónde has salido? — where have you sprung from?
¿de dónde salió este dinero? — where did this money come from?
salió por la puerta de atrás — he went out o left by the back door
salir a algo: salieron al balcón/al jardín they went out onto the balcony/into the garden; salir a + inf to go out/come out to + inf; ¿sales a jugar? are you coming out to play?; salió a hacer las compras — she's gone out (to do the) shopping
3) ( habiendo terminado algo) to leaveno salgo de trabajar hasta las siete — I don't finish o leave work until seven
¿a qué hora sales de clase? — what time do you get out of class o finish your class?
¿cuándo sale del hospital? — when is he coming out of (the) hospital?
4)a) ( como entretenimiento) to go outb) ( tener una relación) to go out¿estás saliendo con alguien? — are you going out with anyone?
5) (a calle, carretera)¿por aquí se sale a la carretera? — can I get on to the road this way?
¿esta calle sale al Paseo Colón? — does this street come out onto the Paseo Colón?
6) clavo/tapón to come out; anillo to come off7) (aparecer, manifestarse)a) cana/sarpullido to appear; (+ me/te/le etc)me salieron granos — I broke out o (BrE) come out in spots
¿te sale sangre? — are you bleeding o is it bleeding?
b) sol ( por la mañana) to rise, come up; ( de detrás de una nube) to come outc) ( surgir) tema/idea to come upyo no se lo pedí, salió de él — I didn't ask him to do it, it was his idea o he offered
ya salió aquello — you (o he etc) had to bring that up; (+ me/te/le etc)
le salió así, espontáneamente — he just came out with it quite spontaneously
me salió en alemán — it came o I said it in German
¿ha salido ya el 15? — have they called number 15 yet?
8)a) ( tocar en suerte) (+ me/te/le etc)b) ( en un reparto)10)a) revista/novela to come out; disco to come out, be releasedb) (en televisión, el periódico) to appearsalió por or en (la) televisión — she was o appeared on television
c) ( en una foto) to appear; (+ compl)d) ( desempeñando un papel)sale de pastor — he plays o he is a shepherd
11) (expresando irritación, sorpresa)salir con algo: mira con qué sale éste ahora! did you hear what he just said?; no me salgas ahora con eso — don't give me that (colloq)
12) ( expresando logro) (+ me/te/le etc)¿te salió el crucigrama? — did you finish the crossword?
ahora mismo no me sale su nombre — (fam) I can't think of her name right now
13) ( resultar)¿a ti te da 40? a mí me sale 42 — how do you get 40? I make it 42; (+ compl)
las cosas salieron bien — things turned out o worked out well
sale muy caro — it works out o is very expensive
¿qué número salió premiado? — what was the winning number?
salir bien/mal en un examen — (Chi fam) to pass/fail an exam; (+ me/te/le etc)
no lo hagas deprisa que te va a salir todo mal — don't try to do it too quickly, you'll do it all wrong
¿cómo te salió el examen? — how did you get on o do in the exam?
14) (de situación, estado)salir de algo: para salir del apuro in order to get out of an awkward situation; está muy mal, no sé si saldrá de ésta she's very ill, I don't know if she'll pull through; no sé cómo vamos a salir de ésta I don't know how we're going to get out of this one; me ayudó a salir de la depresión he helped me get over my depression; (+ compl) salió bien de la operación she came through the operation well; salieron ilesos del accidente they were not hurt in the accident; salió airosa del trance she came through it with flying colors; salir adelante negocio to stay afloat, survive; propuesta to prosper; fue una época muy dura, pero lograron salir adelante — it was a difficult period but they managed to get through it
15) ( con preposición)a) salir a ( parecerse a) to take afterb) salir con (Col) ( combinar con) to go withc) salir de (Col, Ven) ( deshacerse de) to get rid of2.salirse v pron1)a) (de recipiente, límite)cierra el grifo, que se va a salir el agua — turn off the faucet (AmE) o (BrE) tap, the water's going to overflow
salirse de algo: el camión se salió de la carretera the truck came/went off the road; el río se salió de su cauce the river overflowed its banks; la pelota se salió del campo de juego the ball went into touch o out of play; procura no salirte del presupuesto try to keep within the budget; te estás saliendo del tema — you're getting off the point
b) (por orificio, grieta) agua/tinta to leak (out), come out; gas to escape, come outsalirse de algo: se está saliendo el aire del neumático the air's coming o leaking out of the tire; se me salió el hilo de la aguja — the needle's come unthreaded
c) (Chi, Méx) pluma/recipiente to leak2) ( soltarse) to come off; (+ me/te/le etc)se le salían los ojos de las órbitas — his eyes were popping out of his head
3) ( irse) to leavesalirse de algo — de asociación to leave something
salirse con la suya — to get one's (own) way
* * *= come out, debouch, depart, exit, go out of, make + departure, march off, quit, take + departure, leave, issue out, start out, go out and about, go out, pop, head out, socialise [socialize, -USA], be out and about, get out and about, go forth.Ex: Maybe it's the frustrated library school professor in him crying to come out -- whatever it is, give him a chance to show you what he knows.
Ex: As they debouched into the street and hurried back to the library, Jergens thanked Meek for being someone she could share her concerns with.Ex: He smiled again, waved goodbye, and departed.Ex: Enter the lesson number you wish, or press the letter 'X' to exit the tutorial.Ex: In all 20 per cent of visitors went out of the bookshop with a book they had intended to buy, 15 per cent went out with a book they had not intended to buy and 67 went out with both intended and unintended purchases.Ex: Before making his departure, however, a few hints upon the methods of examining bibliographic compilations are necessary.Ex: Do not march off full-tilt in front of the readers.Ex: If you decide not to send or save the message, replace the question mark in front of ' Quit' with another character.Ex: 'Do you ever let anyone leave without inspecting their bags?' Carpozzi asked as she sidled up to the checker.Ex: He bade her good day and issued out into the street.Ex: He went back into the house, addressing his Maker in low agonized tones, changed, and started out again.Ex: Thursday 22 August is your opportunity to go out and about - seeing at first hand the great variety of library and information centres located in the Central Belt of Scotland.Ex: They decided one day to take it upon themselves without his knowledge to go out and solicit funds from some of the large corn processors and farm equipment manufacturers.Ex: The azaleas are popping, the redbuds are in their finest attire, and the dogwoods are lacy jewels at the edge of the wood.Ex: It's tempting to splurge on a new hi-fi system or head out on a shopping spree, but the smart option might be to pay off an existing debt.Ex: She is married and has a family, but does not spend much time in the director's office or socialize with her.Ex: But if you' re out and about like I am, here's where I'll be over the next few nights, and feel free to say hi if you're going to be in the same area.Ex: Use the links below for ideas to get out and about.Ex: Finally six men agreed to go forth in their underclothes and nooses around their necks in hopeful expectation that their sacrifice would satisfy the king's bloodlust and he would spare the rest of the citizens.* acabar de salir de = be fresh out of.* a lo que salga = come what may.* a veces las cosas salen mal = shit happens.* a veces sales jodido = shit happens.* aventurarse a salir = venture forth.* ayudar a Alguien a salir adelante = help + Nombre + get on + Posesivo + feet.* cosas + salir bien = things + work out.* dejar que Alguien se salga con la suya = let + Nombre + do things + Posesivo + (own) way.* entrar y salir = come and go, drift in and out, wander in and out, go into and out of.* entrar y salir corriendo = run in and out.* estar saliendo con alguien = be in a dating relationship.* evitar que + salir = keep + Nombre + in.* hacer salir = push out, flush out.* imposibilitado para salir de casa = housebound [house-bound], homebound [home-bound].* invitar a Alguien a salir = ask + Nombre + out.* invitar a salir = take + Nombre + out.* no salir mal parado por = be none the worse for (that), be none the worse for wear.* obligar a salir = drive out + with a pitchfork, push out.* obligar a salir de = force from.* personas que no pueden salir de casa = homebound, the.* por un lado entra + Nombre + y por otro sale + Nombre = in go + Nombre + at one end, and out come + Nombre + at the other.* que puede salir en préstamo = loanable.* salir a = propagate out to, crash to, be out to.* salir a borbotones = gush out, spurt.* salir a chorros = gush out, spurt.* salir a comer = eat out.* salir a dar una vuelta = go out.* salir a dar una vuelta en coche = go out for + a drive.* salir a dar un paseo = go out for + a walk.* salir adelante = make + ends meet, keep + the wolves from the door, get + unstuck.* salir adelante a duras penas = eke out + a living, scratch (out) + a living, scrape + a living, eke out + an existence.* salir adelante en la vida, = get on in + life.* salir adelante por uno mismo = pull + Reflexivo + up(wards) by + Posesivo + (own) bootstraps.* salir adelante sin la ayuda de nadie = pull + Reflexivo + up(wards) by + Posesivo + (own) bootstraps.* salir a echarse un cigarro = go out for + a smoke.* salir a flote = make + ends meet.* salir a fumarse un cigarro = go out for + a smoke.* salir a hurtadillas = steal away.* salir airoso = pass + muster, pass with + flying colours.* salir airoso de = ride out.* salir a la calle = go out, hit + the streets.* salir a la calle en avalancha = spill (out) into + the streets.* salir a la luz = come to + light, go + live.* salir a la palestra = come out in + the open.* salir a las mil maravillas = work + a treat, come up + a treat, go down + a treat.* salir a la superficie = surface.* salir ampollas = blister.* salir a pasear en coche = go out for + a drive.* salir a pedir de boca = come up + roses, go off without + a hitch.* salir apresuradamente = dash off, shoot off.* salir a subasta = come up for + auction.* salir a toda prisa = make + a hasty exit.* salir a tomar una copa = go out for + a drink.* salir bien = go + well.* salir bien al final = turn out + right in the end.* salir bramando = roar out of.* salir con estupideces = talk + nonsense.* salir corriendo = leg it, run off, run away, bolt, make + a bolt for, dash off, take off, shoot off, take off + running, take to + Posesivo + heels.* salir corriendo a la calle = run into + the street.* salir de = get out of, walk out of, climb out of, break out of, break through, strike out from.* salir de casa = leave + home.* salir de copas = go out for + a drink.* salir de donde menos Uno se lo espera = come out of + the woodwork.* salir de fiesta = party.* salir de Guatemala para meterse en Guatapeor = out of the fire and into the frying pan.* salir de jarana = paint + the town red, go out on + the town.* salir de juerga = go out + boozing, paint + the town red, go out on + the town.* salir de la cárcel = release from + jail.* salir de la miseria = haul + Reflexivo + out of + Posesivo + bog.* salir del armario = come out of + the closet.* salir de la rutina tradicional = break out of + the traditional mould.* salir de la situación = extricate + Reflexivo.* salir del cascarón = come out of + Posesivo + shell.* salir del círculo = break out of + circle.* salir del trabajo = clock off + work.* salir de marcha = paint + the town red, party, go out on + the town.* salir de nuevo = come back out.* salir de parranda = go out + boozing, paint + the town red, go out on + the town.* salir de paseo = go out for + a walk.* salir de paseo en coche = go out for + a drive.* salir de perlas = come up + a treat, go down + a treat.* salir de + Posesivo + escondite = raise + Posesivo + head above the parapet.* salir de + Posesivo + refugio = raise + Posesivo + head above the parapet.* salir de quién sabe dónde = come out of + the woodwork.* salir desapercibido = sneak out of.* salir desde = set out from.* salir de una situación difícil = haul + Reflexivo + out of + Posesivo + bog.* salir de un impás = circumvent + impasse.* salir disparado = bolt, make + a bolt for, shoot off, dash off, take to + Posesivo + heels, run off.* salir disparado de = shoot out of.* salir echando leches = bolt, take off, make + a bolt for, dash off, shoot off.* salir el tiro por la culata = backfire, misfire.* salir en desbandada = stampede.* salir en estampida = stampede.* salir en forma radial de = radiate from.* salir enojado dando zapatazos = stomp out of.* salir en pareja con = date.* salir en tropel = stampede.* salir escaldado = get + the rough edge of + Posesivo + tongue.* salir fatal = go + pear-shaped.* salir fuera = be out and about, get out and about.* salir ganando = make + a profit, win, compare + favourably, be better off, win + the day, win out, be better served by, come out on + top.* salir grietas = develop + cracks.* salir horriblemente mal = go + horribly wrong.* salir huyendo = make off, do + a bunk.* salir ileso = escape + injury, leave without + a scratch.* salir impune = get away with it, get away with + murder, get away + scot-free.* salir inadvertidamente = sneak out of.* salir juntos = be an item.* salir los dientes = cut + Posesivo + teeth.* salir mal = go + wrong, go + awry, misfire, backfire.* salir malparado = get + the rough edge of + Posesivo + tongue.* salir perdiendo = victimise [victimize, -USA], come off + worst, lose out, compare + unfavourably, lose + neck, be a little worse off.* salir perjudicado = pay + the price, pay + the penalty.* salir pitando = take off, bolt, make + a bolt for, dash off, shoot off, take to + Posesivo + heels, run off.* salir por los cerros de Ubeda = go off on + a tangent, go off at + a tangent, fly off on + a tangent.* salir por piernas = make + a hasty exit.* salir por pies = take off + running, leg it, take to + Posesivo + heels, run off.* salir resueltamente = sally forth.* salir rugiendo = roar out of.* salir sangre = draw + blood.* salirse con la de Uno = have + Posesivo + way (with), get away with it.* salirse con las de Uno = get + Posesivo + (own) way, have + Posesivo + own way, get away with + murder, get away + scot-free.* salirse de = depart from, opt out of, step out of, spill out of.* salirse de convencionalismos = think out(side) + (of) the box.* salirse de la carretera = go off + the road.* salirse del molde = think out(side) + (of) the box.* salir según lo planeado = go off + as planned.* salir según lo previsto = go off + as planned.* salirse por la tangente = go off + the track, get off + the track, fly off on + a tangent, go off on + a tangent, go off at + a tangent, wander off + track, wander off + topic.* salir sigilosamente = steal away, slither out of.* salir sin ganar ni perder = break + even.* salir sin ser visto = sneak out of, slip out, steal away.* salir sin un rasguño = leave without + a scratch.* salir sobre ruedas = go off without + a hitch.* salir todo bien = land on + Posesivo + (own two) feet.* salir todo redondo = land on + Posesivo + (own two) feet.* salir una gotera = spring + a leak.* salir un momento a = pop down to.* salir un poco perjudicado = be a little worse prepared, be a little worse off.* salir volando = bolt, make + a bolt for, dash off, shoot off.* salir y caer = fall out (of).* salir zumbando = bolt, make + a bolt for.* si no aguantas el calor, sal de la cocina = if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.* sol + salir por = sun + rise on.* volver a salir = come back out.* volver a salir a la superficie = resurface.* * *■ salir (verbo intransitivo)A partirB salir al exteriorC1 habiendo terminado algo2 InformáticaD1 como entretenimiento2 tener una relaciónE a una calle, carreteraF salir: clavos, tapones etcA1 aparecer, manifestarse2 salir: sol3 surgir4 en naipesB1 tocar en suerte2 en un repartoC salir: manchasD1 salir: revista, novela etc2 en televisión, el periódico3 en una foto4 desempeñando un papelE expresando irritación, sorpresaA expresando logroB resultarC de una situación, un estadoD parecerse aE salir con, combinar conF salir de, deshacerse de■ salirse (verbo pronominal)A1 de un recipiente, un límite2 por un orificio, una grieta3 salirse: recipientes etcB soltarseC irseviA (partir) to leave¿a qué hora sale el tren/tu vuelo? what time does the train/your flight leave?, what time is your train/flight?salieron a toda velocidad they went off at top speed, they sped off¿está Marcos? — no, ha salido de viaje can I speak to Marcos? — I'm afraid he's away at the momentsalió corriendo or pitando or disparada ( fam); she was off like a shot ( colloq), she shot off ( colloq)salir DE algo to leave FROM sth¿de qué andén sale el tren? what platform does the train leave from?salgo de casa a las siete I leave home at sevensalir PARA algo to leave FOR sthlos novios salieron para las Bahamas the newlyweds left for the BahamasB (al exterior — acercándose al hablante) to come out; (— alejándose del hablante) to go outno salgas sin abrigo don't go out without a coatha salido she's gone out, she's outya puedes salir que te he visto you can come on out now, I can see youno puedo salir, me he quedado encerrado I can't get out, I'm trapped in heresalir DE algo to come out/get out OF sth¡sal de ahí! come out of there!¡sal de aquí! get out of here!sal de debajo de la mesa come out from under the tableno salió de su habitación en todo el día he didn't come out of o leave his room all daysal ya de la cama get out of bedde aquí que no salga ni una palabra not a word of this to anyone¿tú de dónde has salido? where have you sprung from?¿de dónde salió este dinero? where did this money come from?nunca ha salido de España/del pueblo he's never been out of Spain/the villageestá en libertad bajo fianza y no puede salir del país she's out on bail and can't leave the countrypara impedir que salgan más capitales del país to prevent more capital flowing out of o leaving the countrysalir POR algo to leave BY sthtuvo que salir por la ventana she had to get out through the windowacaba de salir por la puerta de atrás he's just left by the back door, he's just gone out the back doorsalir A algo:salieron al balcón/al jardín they went out onto the balcony/into the gardensalen al mar por la noche they go out to sea at night¿quién quiere salir a la pizarra? who wants to come up to the blackboard?el equipo salió al terreno de juego the team took the field o came onto the field¿quién te salió al teléfono? who answered (the phone)?salir A + INF to go out/come out to + INF¿sales a jugar? are you coming out to play?ha salido a hacer la compra she's gone out (to do the) shoppingC1 (habiendo terminado algo) to leaveno salgo de trabajar hasta las siete I don't finish o leave work until sevenempezó a trabajar aquí recién salido de la escuela he started working here just after he left school¿a qué hora sales de clase? what time do you come out of class o get out of class o finish your class?¿cuándo sale del hospital/de la cárcel? when is he coming out of (the) hospital/(the) prison?D1 (como entretenimiento) to go outestuvo castigado un mes sin salir he wasn't allowed to go out for a monthsalieron a cenar fuera they went out for dinner, they had dinner out2 (tener una relación) to go outhace tiempo que salen juntos they've been going out together for a whilesalir CON algn to go out WITH sb¿estás saliendo con alguien? are you going out with anyone?, are you seeing anyone? ( AmE)E(a una calle, carretera): ¿por aquí se sale a la carretera? can I get on to the road this way?¿esta calle sale al Paseo Colón? will this street take me to the Paseo Colón?, does this street come out onto the Paseo Colón?F «clavo/tapón» to come out; «anillo» to come offel anillo no me sale my ring won't come off, I can't get my ring offA (aparecer, manifestarse)1 «cana/sarpullido» to appear(+ me/te/le etc): ya me empiezan a salir canas I'm starting to go gray, I'm getting gray hairsya le han salido los dientes de abajo she's already got o she's already cut her bottom teeth, her bottom teeth have already come throughme ha salido una ampolla I've got a blisterle salió un sarpullido he came out in a rashle ha salido un chichón en la frente a bump's come up on her foreheadsi como chocolate me salen granos if I eat chocolate I break out o ( BrE) come out in spotsa ver ¿te sale sangre? let's have a look, are you bleeding o is it bleeding?me sale sangre de la nariz my nose is bleedinga la planta le están saliendo hojas nuevas the plant's putting out new leaves, the plant has some new leaves coming out2 «sol» (por la mañana) to rise, come up; (de detrás de una nube) to come outparece que quiere salir el sol it looks as though the sun's trying to come out3 (surgir) «tema/idea» to come up¿cómo salió eso a la conversación? how did that come up in the conversation?yo no se lo pedí, salió de él I didn't ask him to do it, it was his idea o he offered(+ me/te/le etc): le salió así, espontáneamente he just came out with it quite spontaneouslyme salió en alemán it came out in German, I said it in Germanno me salió nada mejor nothing better came up o turned up¿has visto el novio que le ha salido? ( fam); have you seen the boyfriend she's found herself? ( colloq)no voy a poder ir, me ha salido otro compromiso I'm afraid I won't be able to go, something (else) has come up o cropped up4 «carta» (en naipes) to come upel as de diamantes todavía no ha salido the ace of diamonds hasn't come up yet¿ya ha salido el 15? have they called number 15 yet?, has number 15 gone yet?B1 (tocar en suerte) (+ me/te/le etc):me salió un tema que no había estudiado I got a subject I hadn't studiedme salió un cinco I got a five2 ( Esp) (en un reparto) salir A algo; to get sthsalimos a dos pastelitos cada uno we get two cakes each, it works out as two cakes eachson tres hermanos, así que salen a tres mil cada uno there are three brothers, so they each end up with o get three thousandC «mancha» (aparecer) to appear; (quitarse) to come outD1 «revista» to come out; «novela» to come out, be published; «disco» to come out, be releasedun producto que acaba de salir al mercado a new product which has just come on to the market2 (en televisión, el periódico) to appearla noticia salió en primera página the news appeared on the front pagesalió por or en (la) televisión she was o appeared on televisionayer salió mi primo en or por la televisión my cousin was on (the) television yesterday3 (en una foto) to appearno sale en esta foto he doesn't appear in o he isn't in this photograph(+ compl): ¡qué bien saliste en esta foto! you've come out really well in this photograph, this is a really good photograph of you4(desempeñando un papel): ¿tú sales en la obra de fin de curso? are you in the end-of-term play?sale de pastor he plays o he is a shepherdme salió de testigo en el juicio ( RPl); he testified on my behalfle salí de testigo cuando se casó ( RPl); I was a witness at her weddingE (expresando irritación, sorpresa) salir + GER:y ahora sale diciendo que no lo sabía and now he says he didn't knowsalir CON algo:¡mira con qué sale éste ahora! did you hear what he just said?no me salgas ahora con eso don't give me that ( colloq)y ahora me sale con que no quiere ir and now he tells me he doesn't want to go!¡a veces sale con cada cosa más graciosa! sometimes she comes out with the funniest things!A (expresando logro) (+ me/te/le etc):¿te salió el crucigrama? did you finish the crossword?no me sale esta ecuación/cuenta I can't do this equation/sum¿me ayudas con este dibujo que a mí no me sale? can you help me with this drawing? I can't get it rightno te sale el acento mexicano you're not very good at the Mexican accent, you haven't got the Mexican accent rightahora mismo no me sale su nombre ( fam); I can't think of her name right nowestaba tan entusiasmado que no le salían las palabras he was so excited he couldn't get his words outB(resultar): de aquí no va a salir nada bueno no good is going to come of thisvan a lo que salga, nunca hacen planes they just take things as they come, they never make plans¿a ti te da 40? a mí me sale 42 how do you get 40? I make it 42(+ compl): las cosas salieron mejor de lo que esperábamos things turned out/worked out better than we expectedtenemos que acabarlo salga como salga we have to finish it, no matter how it turns outno ha salido ninguna de las fotos none of the photographs has come outla foto ha salido movida the photograph has come out blurredmandarlo certificado sale muy caro sending it registered mail works out o is very expensivesalió elegido tesorero he was elected treasurer¿qué número salió premiado? what was the winning number?salió beneficiado en el reparto he did well out of the division o ( BrE) share-out(+ me/te/le etc): el postre no me salió bien the dessert didn't come out rightlas cosas no nos han salido bien things haven't gone right for usno lo hagas deprisa que te va a salir todo al revés don't try to do it too quickly, you'll do it all wrongsi lo haces sin regla te va a salir torcido if you do it without a ruler it'll come out crookedasí te va a salir muy caro it'll work out very expensive for you that way¿cómo te salió el examen? how did you get on o do in the exam?, how did the exam go?el niño les salió muy inteligente their son turned out (to be) really brightC (de una situación, un estado) salir DE algo:para salir del apuro in order to get out of an awkward situationestá muy mal, no sé si saldrá de ésta she's very ill, I don't know if she'll make it o if she'll pull throughno sé cómo vamos a salir de ésta I don't know how we're going to get out of this oneluchan por salir de la miseria en que viven they struggle to escape from the poverty in which they liveme ayudó a salir de la depresión he helped me get over my depressiona este paso no vamos a salir nunca de pobres the way we're going we're never going to stop being poor(+ compl): salió bien de la operación she came through the operation wellsalieron ilesos del accidente they were not hurt in the accidentsalió airosa del trance she came through it with flying colors*salir adelante: fue una época muy dura, pero lograron salir adelante it was a difficult period but they managed to get through itpara que el negocio salga adelante if the business is to stay afloat o survivela propuesta cuenta con pocas posibilidades de salir adelante the proposal is unlikely to prosperD salir a (parecerse a) to take afteres gordita, sale a la madre she's chubby, she takes after her mother¡tiene a quien salir! you can see who she takes after!en lo tozudo sale a su padre he gets his stubbornness from his fatherno han podido salir de él they haven't been able to get rid of him■ salirseA1(de un recipiente, un límite): cierra el grifo, que se va a salir el agua turn off the faucet ( AmE) o ( BrE) tap, the water's going to overflowvigila que no se salga la leche don't let the milk boil oversalirse DE algo:el camión se salió de la carretera the truck came/went off the road, the truck left the roadel río se salió de su cauce the river overflowed its banksno te salgas de las líneas keep inside the linesla pelota se salió del campo de juego the ball went out of play o into touchprocura no salirte del presupuesto try to keep within the budgette estás saliendo del tema you're getting off the point2 (por un orificio, una grieta) «agua/tinta» to leak, leak out, come out; «gas» to escape, come outestá rajado y se sale el aceite it's cracked and the oil leaks outsalirse DE algo:se está saliendo el aire del neumático the air's coming o leaking out of the tire*se me ha salido el hilo de la aguja the needle's come unthreaded3 (Chi, Méx) «recipiente/pluma» to leakB (soltarse) to come offse ha salido el pomo de la puerta the knob has come off the door(+ me/te/le etc): estos zapatos se me salen these shoes are too big for mese le ha salido una rueda it's lost a wheel, one of the wheels has come offse le salían los ojos de las órbitas his eyes were popping out of his head o were out on stalksC (irse) to leave salirse DE algo ‹de una asociación› to leave sthse salió del cine a la mitad de la película she walked out halfway through the moviesalirse con la suya to get one's (own) way* * *
salir ( conjugate salir) verbo intransitivo
1 ( partir) to leave;◊ ¿a qué hora sale el tren? what time does the train leave?;
el jefe había salido de viaje the boss was away;
salió corriendo (fam) she was off like a shot (colloq);
salir de algo to leave from sth;
¿de qué andén sale el tren? what platform does the train leave from?;
salgo de casa a las siete I leave home at seven;
salir para algo to leave for sth
2 ( al exterior — acercándose al hablante) to come out;
(— alejándose del hablante) to go out;
no puedo salir, me he quedado encerrado I can't get out, I'm trapped in here;
salir de algo to come out/get out of sth;
¡sal de ahí/de aquí! come out of there/get out of here!;
¿de dónde salió este dinero? where did this money come from?;
nunca ha salido de España he's never been out of Spain;
salir por la ventana/por la puerta to get out through the window/leave by the door;
salieron al balcón/al jardín they went out onto the balcony/into the garden;
¿por aquí se sale a la carretera? can I get on to the road this way?;
salió a hacer las compras she's gone out (to do the) shopping
3 ( habiendo terminado algo) to leave;◊ ¿a qué hora sales de clase? what time do you get out of class o finish your class?;
¿cuándo sale del hospital? when is he coming out of (the) hospital?
salir con algn to go out with sb
5 [clavo/tapón/mancha] to come out;
[ anillo] to come off
1 (aparecer, manifestarse)
(+ me/te/le etc)
le están saliendo los dientes she's teething;
me salió una ampolla I've got a blister;
le salió un sarpullido he came out in a rash;
me salieron granos I broke out o (BrE) came out in spots;
me sale sangre de la nariz my nose is bleeding;
a la planta le están saliendo hojas nuevas the plant's putting out new leaves
( de detrás de una nube) to come out
[ disco] to come out, be released;
(+ compl)
1 ( expresando logro) (+ me/te/le etc):
ahora mismo no me sale su nombre (fam) I can't think of her name right now;
no le salían las palabras he couldn't get his words out
◊ sale más barato/caro it works out less/more expensiveb) ( resultar):◊ todo salió bien everything turned out o worked out well;
salió tal como lo planeamos it turned out just as we planned;
no salió ninguna de las fotos none of the photographs came out;
¿qué número salió premiado? what was the winning number?;
salir bien/mal en un examen (Chi fam) to pass/fail an exam;
(+ me/te/le etc)
3 (de situación, estado) salir de algo ‹ de apuro› to get out of sth;
‹ de depresión› to get over sth;
salir adelante [ negocio] to stay afloat, survive;
[ propuesta] to prosper;◊ lograron salir adelante they managed to get through it
4 ( con preposición)a)
salirse verbo pronominal
[ leche] to boil over;
salirse de algo ‹ de carretera› to come/go off sth;
‹ de tema› to get off sth;
procura no salirte del presupuesto try to keep within the budget
[ gas] to escape, come out
2 ( soltarse) [pedazo/pieza] to come off;
(+ me/te/le etc)
3 ( irse) to leave;
salirse de algo ‹ de asociación› to leave sth;◊ salirse con la suya to get one's (own) way
salir verbo intransitivo
1 (de un lugar) to go out: nunca ha salido de su país, he's never been out of his country
el ladrón salió por la ventana, the burglar got out through the window
(si el hablante está fuera) to come out: ¡sal de la habitación, por favor! please, come out of the room!
2 Inform to exit
(de un sistema) to log off
3 (partir) to leave: salí de casa a mediodía, I left home at noon
nuestro avión sale a las seis, our plane departs at six
4 (para divertirse) to go out: siempre sale los viernes, she always goes out on Friday
5 (tener una relación) to go out: está saliendo con Ana, he's going out with Ana
6 Dep to start
(en juegos) to lead
7 (manifestarse, emerger) le ha salido un grano en la cara, he has got a spot on his face
me salió sangre de la nariz, my nose was bleeding
(un astro) to rise: la Luna sale al atardecer, the moon comes out in the evening
(retoñar, germinar) to sprout
8 (surgir) la idea salió de ti, it was your idea
9 (aparecer) mi hermana salía en (la) televisión, my sister appeared on television
(un libro, un disco, etc) to come out
10 salir a (parecerse) ha salido a su hermano, he takes after his brother
(costar) el almuerzo sale a 800 pesetas cada uno, lunch works out at 800 pesetas a head
11 (resultar) su hija le ha salido muy estudiosa, her daughter has turned out to be very studious
salió premiado el número 5.566, the winning number was 5,566
(una operación matemática) a él le da 20, pero a mí me sale 25, he gets 20, but I make it 25
12 (costar) nos sale barato, it works out cheap
13 (superar una situación, una gran dificultad) to come through, get over: estuvo muy enfermo, pero salió de esa, he was very ill, but he pulled through
14 (ser elegido por votación) salió alcalde, he was elected mayor
♦ Locuciones: salir con, (manifestación inesperada) no me salgas ahora con estupideces, stop talking nonsense
' salir' also found in these entries:
- ahora
- airosa
- airoso
- al
- asomarse
- atusar
- boca
- cabronada
- casa
- con
- concebir
- contraluz
- coscorrón
- cuenta
- dar
- dejar
- desalojar
- desfilar
- desorbitar
- dimanar
- echar
- entrar
- estar
- gatas
- grabar
- gracia
- gustar
- hondura
- irse
- niqui
- palestra
- para
- parada
- parado
- paso
- pico
- pierna
- pitar
- portazo
- puntilla
- quite
- rana
- relucir
- revés
- rodada
- rodado
- salida
- sangrar
- señora
- appear
- as
- ask out
- average out at
- back out
- be
- blow off
- boomerang
- bootstrap
- break
- break out
- break through
- call away
- can
- check out
- chicken out
- clean up
- climb
- come away
- come off
- come on
- come out
- come up
- crowd
- dash off
- dash out
- date
- depart
- discipline
- do
- doll
- doubtfully
- downpour
- draw out
- drive-through
- emerge
- even
- exit
- fancy
- flounce
- forward
- genie
- get about
- get along
- get away
- get away with
- get off
- get out
- go
* * *♦ vi1. [ir fuera] to go out;[venir fuera] to come out;¡sal aquí fuera! come out here!;no pueden salir, están atrapados they can't get out, they're trapped;¿salimos al jardín? shall we go out into the garden?;salieron al balcón they went out onto the balcony;salió a la puerta she came/went to the door;salir a escena [actor] to come/go on stage;salir a pasear/tomar el aire to go out for a walk/for a breath of fresh air;salir a hacer la compra/de compras to go shopping;salir de to go/come out of;me lo encontré al salir del cine I met him as I was coming out of the cinema;¡sal de aquí! get out of here!;¡sal de ahí! come out of there!;salimos por la escalera de incendios/la puerta trasera we left via the fire escape/through the back door;Famporque me sale/no me sale de las narices because I damn well feel like it/damn well can't be bothered;muy Famporque me sale/no me sale de los huevos because I bloody well feel like it/because I can't be arsed2. [marcharse] to leave ( para for);cuando salimos de Quito/del país when we left Quito/the country;salí de casa/del trabajo a las siete I left home/work at seven;salir corriendo to run off;Famsalir pitando to leg it;salir de viaje to go away (on a trip)¿desde cuándo llevan saliendo? how long have they been going out (together)?4. [ir a divertirse] to go out;suelo salir el fin de semana I usually go out at the weekend;salen mucho a cenar they eat out a lotMarisa ha salido de la depresión Marisa has got over o come through her depression;salir de la miseria to escape from poverty;salir de un apuro to get out of a tight spot;le he ayudado a salir de muchos líos I've helped him out of a lot of tricky situations;no sé si podremos salir de ésta I don't know how we're going to get out of this one;con este dinero no vamos a salir de pobres this money isn't exactly enough for us never to have to work again6. [desembocar] [calle, sendero, carretera]¿a dónde sale esta calle? where does this street come out?este corcho no sale this cork won't come out8. [resultar] to turn out;ha salido muy estudioso he's turned out to be very studious;¿cómo salió la fiesta? how did the party go?;¿qué salió en la votación? what was the result of the vote?;a mí me sale un total de 35.000 pesos I've got a total of 35,000 pesos, I make it 35,000 pesos in total;salió (como) senador por California he was elected (as) senator for California;salió elegida actriz del año she was voted actress of the year;salió herido/ileso del accidente he was/wasn't injured in the accident;salir premiado to be awarded a prize;salir bien/mal [examen, entrevista] to go well/badly;[plato, dibujo] to turn out well/badly;¿qué tal te ha salido? how did it go?;me ha salido bien/mal [examen, entrevista] it went well/badly;[plato, dibujo] it turned out well/badly; [cuenta] I got it right/wrong;normalmente me sale a la primera I normally get it right first time;a mí la paella no me sale tan bien como a ti my paella never turns out as well as yours does;¿te salen las cuentas? do all the figures tally?;salir ganando/perdiendo to come off well/badly9. [en sorteo, juego] [número, nombre] to come up;no me ha salido un as en toda la partida I haven't got o had a single ace in the whole gameel vino sale de la uva wine comes from grapes;salió de él (lo de) regalarte unas flores it was his idea to get you the flowers11. [surgir, brotar] [luna, estrellas] to come out;[sol] to rise; [flores, hojas] to come out; [dientes] to come through;le han salido varias flores al rosal the rose bush has got several flowers now;le están saliendo canas he's getting grey hairs, he's going grey;le están saliendo los dientes her teeth are starting to come through, she's teething;me salen los colores con tanto cumplido all these compliments are making me blush;le ha salido un sarpullido en la espalda her back has come out in a rash;te está saliendo sangre you're bleeding;me ha salido un grano en la nariz I've got a spot on my nose12. [aparecer] [publicación, producto, modelo] to come out;[disco] to come out, to be released; [moda, ley] to come in; [trauma, prejuicios] to come out; [tema, asunto] to come up;una revista que sale los jueves a magazine that comes out on Thursdays;su nuevo disco saldrá al mercado en otoño her new record comes out o will be released in the autumn;salieron (a relucir) todos sus miedos all his fears came out;¡qué bien sales en esta foto! you look great in this photo!;ha salido en los periódicos/en la tele it's been in the papers/on TV;salir de/en [en película, serie, obra de teatro] to appear as/in;salía de extra en “Ben-Hur” he appeared as o was an extra in “Ben-Hur”;salir en defensa de alguien to come to sb's defence13. [presentarse, ofrecerse] [ocasión, oportunidad] to turn up, to come along;[puesto, empleo] to come up; [problema] to arise; [contratiempo] to occur;le ha salido una plaza de profesor en Tegucigalpa a job has come up for him as a teacher in Tegucigalpa;a lo que salga, salga lo que salga whatever happens¿por cuánto me saldría una moto de segunda mano? how much would a second-hand motorbike cost me o come to?;en botella te saldrá más barata la cerveza the beer works out cheaper if you buy it bottled;salir caro [económicamente] to be expensive;[por las consecuencias] to be costly15. [decir u obrar inesperadamente]nunca se sabe por dónde va a salir you never know what she's going to come out with/do next;el jefe sale con cada tontería… the boss comes out with some really stupid remarks;salió con que era un incomprendido y nadie le hacía caso he claimed he was misunderstood and that no one ever took any notice of him;¿y ahora nos sales con ésas? now you tell us!eres un vago, en eso has salido a tu padre you're a layabout, just like your father17. [en juegos] to lead;te toca salir a ti it's your lead;salió con un as she led with an ace;salen blancas [en damas, ajedrez] white goes first18. [desaparecer] to come out;la mancha de vino no sale the wine stain won't come outsalir de un programa to quit o exit a program20.[proyecto, propuesta, ley] to be successful;salir adelante [persona, empresa] to get by;la familia lo está pasando muy mal para salir adelante the family is struggling to get by o to make ends meet* * *v/i1 leave, go out;salir de apuros get out of difficulties;salir corriendo run off;salir con alguien date s.o., go out with s.o.2 ( aparecer) appear, come out3:salir a bolsa float, be floated6 ( parecerse a):7 ( resultar):salir bien/mal turn out well/badly;salió caro tb fig it worked out expensive;salir ileso escape unharmed;salir perdiendo end up losing;salir a 1000 colones cost 1000 colons;a lo que salga any old how8:¡ya salió aquello! fam why did you have to bring that up?;salir con algo fam come out with sth;¿y ahora me sales con que no tienes dinero? and you’re telling me now that you don’t have any money?9 ( conseguir):el dibujo no me sale fam I can’t get this drawing right;no me salió el trabajo I didn’t get the job10:salir por alguien stand up for s.o.* * *salir {73} vi1) : to go out, to come out, to get outsalimos todas las noches: we go out every nightsu libro acaba de salir: her book just came out2) partir: to leave, to depart3) aparecer: to appearsalió en todos los diarios: it came out in all the papers4) : to project, to stick out5) : to cost, to come to6) resultar: to turn out, to prove7) : to come up, to occursalga lo que salga: whatever happenssalió una oportunidad: an opportunity came up8)salir a : to take after, to look like, to resemble9)salir con : to go out with, to date* * *salir vb1. (en general) to go out3. (aparecer) to be¿por qué no sales tú en la foto? why aren't you in the photo?¿cuándo sale esa revista? when does that magazine come out?¿a qué hora sale el sol? what time does the sun rise?6. (sol verse) to come out7. (surgir) to getsi me sale este trabajo... if I get this job...8. (resultar) to turn out / to work outal final, todo salió bien everything turned out all right at the end
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Germany — /jerr meuh nee/, n. a republic in central Europe: after World War II divided into four zones, British, French, U.S., and Soviet, and in 1949 into East Germany and West Germany; East and West Germany were reunited in 1990. 84,068,216; 137,852 sq.… … Universalium
France — /frans, frahns/; Fr. /frddahonns/, n. 1. Anatole /ann nann tawl /, (Jacques Anatole Thibault), 1844 1924, French novelist and essayist: Nobel prize 1921. 2. a republic in W Europe. 58,470,421; 212,736 sq. mi. (550,985 sq. km). Cap.: Paris. 3.… … Universalium
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